16C84 program into 16F84 (for Propeller clock)

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Is that a cryptic question.... help with what.. this is a 5 month old thread...
Hello! I don't know if you solved it. I saw the program and I found some mistakes, I wrote an email to Bob but I'm waiting his answer. The first error is in the subrutine of ports, He forgot to change to bank one Bank 1 where resides the Trisa y Trisb registers. He is working only in bank 0,. Remeber return back to bank 0 after put Trisa y Trisb. The others things are in I don't know when the program run in D_1min D_10 min and others, only entries in the first it taka an goto and...
I speak spanish better.
Greeteings G. Bloem
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Hi. I using the PIC16f84a and the coding from the bob blick. Then I had try the method which is add A at the ( include "p16F84a.inc" ) and ( list p=16F84a ). My software can run very well but the hardware cannot function at all. Can anyone help me to solve this issues?
I follow Bob Blick's propeller clock 2 years ago. The electronics part is easy and I managed to mount it to the spinning motor taken from a VCR machine. The difficult part is tapping the power from the motor coils and convert it to DC for the mcu & LEDs. When the motor is spinning, I have no way to measure if the DC voltage is there... So I finally gave up and bought one made in China cheaply.

I don't how you managed it. Can you show us a picture of your build? Thanks.

Well done.... Pretty impressive..

I like it when people respond back like this....
Well Done

Yes, it was pretty impressive. I counted there are at least 32 RGB LEDs on the spinning PCB. Are you controlling the setting using remote controls? What mcu are you using for your design?

Any chances of sharing your work on you blog or site?

Thanks all

some parts of my project : 41 Led ( 32 led red , 8 white , 1 rgb ) , PIC 16F877A Microcontroller , DS1307 Real Time Clock IC, wireless electricity power.


Are you controlling the setting using remote controls?
yes , in the next video will show it .

Any chances of sharing your work on you blog or site?
Insha Allah after finish my work on project i will describe some important point in it .
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