12F683 and Junebug

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Active Member
The Pickit 2 manual suggests that some sort of adapter is required to program the 12F683. I'm assuming I can just connect ICSPCLK to PGC and ICSPDAT to PGD, with MCLR tied to VPP like other chips.

Can somebody shout if I'm assuming wrong before I cook a chip?
You don't need any adapter. I'm programming a 683 right now with PICkit 2. If I wanted to I could substitute my Junebug and it would work exactly the same.

Yes, ICSPCLK=PGC and ICSPDAT=PGD. Works fine.
Thanks futz. 10 points if you can guess what I plan on building!

I'm unsure why Microchip used different terminology there, a bit confusing when you haven't slept for a few days. Just need to build a breakout from the Junebug ICD header to breadboard then I can get going.
Thanks futz. 10 points if you can guess what I plan on building!
A Mikey K8LH blinky device! Now gimme my 10 points!

I'm unsure why Microchip used different terminology there, a bit confusing when you haven't slept for a few days. Just need to build a breakout from the Junebug ICD header to breadboard then I can get going.
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DO you mean like:
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Sorry futz, it's actually for a mind-control-ray device. No points this time

And yes AtomSoft, I plan on building something very similar to your pictures. I think I'll put it on a tiny stripboard so I can include the low voltage diodes too if I need them. Just need to get some pin headers at the weekend.
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