Please can we de-nonsense the “100Hz flicker problem” in lighting?
The web is full of conflicting stories about whether or not 100Hz flicker is actually harmful to humans.
I believe that 100Hz flicker in lighting is no problem whatsoever…..i lived under the old magnetic ballast fluorescent lighting for decades…and had no problem with its 100Hz flicker. Also, driving down motorways with sodium vapour lamp streetlighting which flickers at 100Hz, caused me no problem whatsoever…..and no problem to other drivers either.
Headaches in today’s world are more likely to be caused by Hangovers, too much caffeine, too much sugar, too little exercise, too little sleep due to watching Netflix all night, etc etc…..
The 100Hz flicker problem in lighting is simply a nonsense story pervaded by large electronics corporations so that they can sell their integrated circuits and lamps which get rid of this 100Hz flicker.
Also, most of the large electronics corporations have decided to volume manufacture LED power supplies with large-ish electrolytic capacitor banks, (eg after the PFC stage) which makes them cheaper and easier to design……..and means the 100Hz flicker is easily avoided…….having committed their resources to this in vast quantity, they then are looking to create nonsense stories about smaller manufacturers who make lamps which do flicker at 100Hz….in other words, yet again, all we are seeing, is the large globalist corporations lobbying Governments so as to increase their profits and destroy their smaller rivals.
Surely you agree?
There is not one single piece of conclusive evidence to state that 100Hz lighting flicker is actually a problem……..nonsense?
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Please can we de-nonsense the “100Hz flicker problem” in lighting?
The web is full of conflicting stories about whether or not 100Hz flicker is actually harmful to humans.
I believe that 100Hz flicker in lighting is no problem whatsoever…..i lived under the old magnetic ballast fluorescent lighting for decades…and had no problem with its 100Hz flicker. Also, driving down motorways with sodium vapour lamp streetlighting which flickers at 100Hz, caused me no problem whatsoever…..and no problem to other drivers either.
Headaches in today’s world are more likely to be caused by Hangovers, too much caffeine, too much sugar, too little exercise, too little sleep due to watching Netflix all night, etc etc…..
The 100Hz flicker problem in lighting is simply a nonsense story pervaded by large electronics corporations so that they can sell their integrated circuits and lamps which get rid of this 100Hz flicker.
Also, most of the large electronics corporations have decided to volume manufacture LED power supplies with large-ish electrolytic capacitor banks, (eg after the PFC stage) which makes them cheaper and easier to design……..and means the 100Hz flicker is easily avoided…….having committed their resources to this in vast quantity, they then are looking to create nonsense stories about smaller manufacturers who make lamps which do flicker at 100Hz….in other words, yet again, all we are seeing, is the large globalist corporations lobbying Governments so as to increase their profits and destroy their smaller rivals.
Surely you agree?
There is not one single piece of conclusive evidence to state that 100Hz lighting flicker is actually a problem……..nonsense?
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