10 bit converter

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New Member
hi every one
i have this 10 bit binary number that i want to convert it into BCD
i have no idea how
some say i should use a (E)PROM or i should cascade several 74583s
but i have no idea how to program PROM or cascade 74583
and im also open to new ideas about converting
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I always thought BCD to be goofy and useless, but I guess it still crops up from time to time.
It makes it easy to display binary information in a digital decimal display. Otherwise displaying binary data in decimal format is rather messy.

After you studied it yourSELF... You can post here and tell us how it's done.
no there's been a misunderstanding
i have studied it a lot
i aint lazy im just rookie
this was a part of a greater project
an 8bit calculator performing the 4 main actions
i had alternative designs too but this was the simplest
the only problem left is the 10bit binary results
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dig1 = dig10 = dig100 = dig1000 = 0;
while(num >= 1000)
	dig1000 ++;
	num -= 1000;
while(num >= 100)
	dig100 ++;
	num -= 100;
while(num >= 10)
	dig10 ++;
	num -= 10;
dig1 = num;
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