
  1. S

    MPU 6050 Accelerometer Frequency Response

    I am making a project that requires an accelerometer to be attached to the waist of a person that will detect the movement frequency of that subject. I have searched everywhere but I cannot figure out how to extract frequency from the accelerometer. I suppose it has something to do with the...
  2. J

    Sending 3-axial analog accelerometer's data wirelessly

    Hello eveyone, I have a wired analog Accelerometer (KS943B100) IEPE output, BNC connectors. It is actually connected to an NI cDAQ-9171 with serial connection and then to the PC with labVIEW. My objective is to make this application wireless by connecting the sensor to an MCU, send the data...
  3. L

    SPI Communication with a LIS2DE12 Accelerometer

    Hi! I am trying to establish a SPI communication with an LIS2DE12 accelerometer. First, I would like to say that I have checked phase, polarity, msbFirst and CS. I am using an EM9304 as the master of the communication, and the spi clock frequency is aproppriated. Writing or reading from the...
  4. R

    Usb or bluetooth accelerometer

    Hi everyone, I am new to electronics. I know just enough to understand how things can work together and a limited understanding of circuit boards and how things work. I can remove and replace parts on boards but i need help. I have a project that has been bugging me for years, yes years... I...
  5. ADXL345 Accelerometer and 18F4550 in Hi-Tech C

    This program displays the 3 axis output from an ADXL345 Accelerometer and 18F4550 in Hi-Tech C. Specifically the little GY-291 board available cheap on eBay. There are pull-ups on the board to solve the 3 volt problem. I got some info from Ngoc Chung Hoang using CCS compiler ADXL345 + Pic...
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