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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

hydrogen generator circuit

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New Member
Has anyone had success building the circuit for "run your car on water" by building it as per the schematic that is listed in the directions?
Thank you for your time.
rk concepts
Has anyone had success building the circuit for "run your car on water" by building it as per the schematic that is listed in the directions?
Thank you for your time.
rk concepts

Quite a popular topic these past couple of months, don't remember any success stories on this site. Seems to only work for those selling the plans. Do you have a link to which scheme you are referring to?
Go to Yahoo groups water car or hydroxy for plans and anwers. Both of these groups have file sections . Find the file that refers to chapter 9-10 . I built the Hotsabi generator and have it woking right now. I have to set up some electronics to tune it in .
It would be nice if

It would be nice if you could post something on this forum and not get bashed by some genius who knows ever thing already. I have been called lazy and stupid but when I post comments they are abusive. The question was has any one built one and I answered that. He is looking for info on the generators. If you don't believe it will work or can't work then why do you waste you time bashing and demanding proof right from the get go. I feel like some of the people here some how feel superior to others because they know something that I don't and in order for me to post I must have a degree or be able to explain and prove everything I say. One guy here understood some of how water injection worked But did not understand how it worked on a jet. Would it be right for me to turn around and cut him down like he did me and say if you don't fully understand what you are posting then how are we going to understand. Are we suppose to chase your links around because your to lazy to do the work.

I know that a lot of people who made discoveries or made things work were laughed at and told how stupid they were for even thinking a particular way.
IT would be nice if some one would realize that having a couple pieces of the pie put together on the same plate may just be the next great break through.
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I built the Hotsabi generator and have it woking right now. I have to set up some electronics to tune it in .
What I would like to see you do is this:

1) Fill up your gas tank and zero your trip counter.
2) Drive around as normal until the tank is around 1/4 full.
3) Fill up and record the number of liters used and the trip counter reading.

4) Activate your Hotsabi generator and zero the trip counter.
5) Drive around as normal until the tank is around 1/4 full.
6) Fill up and record the number of liters used and the trip counter reading.

Post the data from steps 3 & 6 here. The only requirement is that the driving in steps 2 & 5 are a similar mix of highway and city and you don't tow a trailer in step 2. ;)
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It would be nice if you could post something on this forum and not get bashed by some genius who knows ever thing already. I have been called lazy and stupid but when I post comments they are abusive. The question was has any one built one and I answered that. He is looking for info on the generators. If you don't believe it will work or can't work then why do you waste you time bashing and demanding proof right from the get go. I feel like some of the people here some how feel superior to others because they know something that I don't and in order for me to post I must have a degree or be able to explain and prove everything I say. One guy here understood some of how water injection worked But did not understand how it worked on a jet. Would it be right for me to turn around and cut him down like he did me and say if you don't fully understand what you are posting then how are we going to understand. Are we suppose to chase your links around because your to lazy to do the work.

I know that a lot of people who made discoveries or made things work were laughed at and told how stupid they were for even thinking a particular way.
IT would be nice if some one would realize that having a couple pieces of the pie put together on the same plate may just be the next great break through.

Are you referring to Arrowhead's post? That wasn't abusive, it was skeptical and terse. I could show you hostile but I'm not feeling hostile toward you so it would just be forced and awkward and we'd both feel silly.

You will not get people to believe in it without posting a proper breakdown of exactly what you have done, as well as exactly what results you have recorded and how you got those results. Whenever anyone makes an extraordinary claim--for instance, one that requires accepted physical laws to be revoked--the present must present extraordinary results in a format which can be reviewed and allow the experiment to be duplicated. Otherwise, that person might as well stand in the midday sun and pronounce that it is raining. The claim is made in clear defiance of all available evidence.

In other words, people who say loony things better be able to prove they're not loony, or people will point and laugh. It's as simple as that.

Directing to information

The information I have is on the water car and Hydroxy groups at Yahoo. I guess I will have to retype the info before it is believed. I have had trouble getting links to work I don't think that my proof would be valid anyway because there are those who just dont believe. I was posting in another section of this forum and that is where I was getting cut off. If the topic is HHO generators.(we will call them experminents in progress/ not proven) then people should be able to share where others are posting their results without a non-beliver bashing them.
I have seen comments Like" I don't know how fossile fuel can be made more effecient" when from what I have seen and read , adding HHO makes it more efficient. To prove that I am saying go to the groups I mentioned and look at the files there to get an Idea of what is going on.

I have to read it and I either belive it or I don't. From what I have read people just as smart as the people who post here are getting some results. I came here to learn some things about electronics and found these topics on alt energy, and hho generators,Better fuel econnomy...
By the way I am a lousy speller, you can judge my post on that as well. I can't get the spell check to work here at work because I can't down load the program.
I understand your angst but posting third hand information that originated on a web site won't change much. I suggest you point to publications or, better yet, peer reviewed publications. The best information would come from a well known and reliable source. Sorry, but a yahoo group (or this site even) just isn't going to cut it - anyone can say anything. (though I think this site will be fairly skeptical, don't know why...)
The information I have is on the water car and Hydroxy groups at Yahoo. I guess I will have to retype the info before it is believed.

Anybody can type anything into a Yahoo group. That doesn't make it true or trustworthy. Upon what do you base *your* trust in what you have found there? In my case, it would take me personally replicating the results.

I have had trouble getting links to work I don't think that my proof would be valid anyway because there are those who just dont believe.

Again, a link is not "proof". If it were, I could "prove" to you right here and now that the universe was created by the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

In fact, just in case you're curious:

Anybody can post anything on the internet. There is no peer review and no barrier to entry. That means that everything must be taken with a small salt mine.

I have seen comments Like" I don't know how fossile fuel can be made more effecient" when from what I have seen and read , adding HHO makes it more efficient. To prove that I am saying go to the groups I mentioned and look at the files there to get an Idea of what is going on.

Personally, I am perfectly willing to believe that you might get better fuel economy by adding HHO (or whatever) to the fuel mix in the right proportions. However, what I find very hard to believe is that you will get more energy back from such additives if the energy used to make the additive must come from the engine in the first place, since that appears to break the laws of thermodynamics. *That* is what requires extraordinary proof, and not just a link to some web site where anything could be written by anybody.

By the way I am a lousy speller, you can judge my post on that as well. I can't get the spell check to work here at work because I can't down load the program.

Now I honestly don't know what you're talking about. Nobody even mentioned that.

Trying to get through some how.

I posted on this forum that a friend of mine, has improved his MPG from 17 to 30 mpg. Go to smack boosters and the guy has testimonials of improvements in MPG. He has videos of his test, how it works, how to build a generator etc. He is not the only one who is achieving results. If you get on the net and find information that has been posted by thousands of people that say they improved their MPG and you find test results on the power of Hydroxy ... That ain't the same as the skettie monster creating the earth.

There seems to be some common belief that a car battery is not capable of contributing power to a device that can generate hydroxy/HHO because of Faraday's law of physics.

The things I have posted as links have the test results. If you believe this is a hoax and all of these people are making up the results, I can see why you do not venture from this site.

I have found that there are some here saying similar things and the things they don't fully understand is answered on the site I'm trying to get them to look at. I understand there is a lot of crap out there.

What is the topic of this forum.? A: Hydrogen generators How much do you know about them? The question was Has any one built one . I have and it produced HHO. It was a simple design . I got a leak at a fitting so I pulled it. When it was installed, I noticed a change in the power and pick up on my vehicle. No I did not get it dyno tested. I don't have to I know it accelerated better, it idled better after it warmed up.

You hit one thing on the head. Until you try to build one yourself and get it to work then you will believe. I am posting the information here for the ones who might want to try and build a generator. I am directing them to the two groups for the best information, (I am aware of)that is FREE, if they buy something then that goes without saying Buyer beware. Some of the sites are selling plans on how to make a generator and charging you . Go to these groups and they will give you the plans on how to build their generator if you want to do the work your self. Sure they will sell you one of theirs completely built or as a kit but they have done the work, and deserve to be paid for their time.

On the spelling thing.. People have sent replies that the poster must be stupid because he can't spell. I am trying to let you know I'm not stupid so don't be so involved in seeing how many misspelled words, or errors in grammar I have on my post. I have poor English skills. Think of it as a text message.

One thing that made me more of a believer is I found a retired Areo space engineer here in Oklahoma who has installed a unit. I got to see his unit and talk to him about the details. It does help to see, but you have to open your eyes and your mind before you seek. You have to have a desire to seek. So if you don't want to improve fuel economy then why bother. I am persistent.

I have been a little more irritated lately.. the neighbor across the street shot and killed my dog a week ago. I'm not trying to make any one mad here.. Just looking for answers and trying to give the best answer I can with the information I have or the experience I have gained
If you don't believe it will work or can't work then why do you waste you time bashing and demanding proof right from the get go.
Personally, I do it in the faint hope of being proven wrong.

I feel like some of the people here some how feel superior to others because they know something that I don't and in order for me to post I must have a degree or be able to explain and prove everything I say.
No. Just demonstrating that you have a clue what you’re doing is enough.

One guy here understood some of how water injection worked But did not understand how it worked on a jet. Would it be right for me to turn around and cut him down like he did me and say if you don't fully understand what you are posting then how are we going to understand.
Hey, that’s up to you.

Are we suppose to chase your links around because your to lazy to do the work.
Last time I check, we have been chasing HHO claimants’ links around because they’re too lazy to do the work.

I know that a lot of people who made discoveries or made things work were laughed at and told how stupid they were for even thinking a particular way.
Sure, it happens. That doesn’t mean that it necessarily will, let alone that that’s the case here.

IT would be nice if some one would realize that having a couple pieces of the pie put together on the same plate may just be the next great break through.
But no matter how you slice the pie, you won’t get a pie and a half out of it.
HHO generation

If your looking to only supplement your fuel costs a smack booster can work or design your can buy already cut and assembled 316L stainless steel cell on that nearly forbidden site- Eb-y!

check out and then go to the forums link and onto the first discussion group! TONS of information listed there! I am only here because I am teaching myself enough electronics skills to build a PWM and AFR circuit reset...SO I can get my cell mounted up...I know a guy that went from 24 to 26mpg in a Cadillac...

The above sight is the best one I have found so far...You got groups of guys that started out independentally ho have now formed groups like EBN - Energy Builders Network...

you got others who are currently working on building reliable microcontrollers for the sole purpose of runnig a hydrgoen cell...

CHECK out Stanley Myers or Dave Lawton....

FOR A real quick rundown go to check out HHO (which is Hydrogen-hydrogen-oxygen aka; Water when it is split). hydrogen cell etc...
If your looking to only supplement your fuel costs a smack booster can work or design your can buy already cut and assembled 316L stainless steel cell on that nearly forbidden site- Eb-y!
What is it with these idiots and steel? Steel – even stainless – is not exactly the greatest choice of material when you’re working with water. And all that Chromium you’ll be leeching out is probably not the greatest thing for your health.

check out and then go to the forums link and onto the first discussion group! TONS of information listed there! I am only here because I am teaching myself enough electronics skills to build a PWM and AFR circuit reset...SO I can get my cell mounted up...
How about saving yourself a lot of time and energy by teaching yourself that these “boosters” don’t work?

I know a guy that went from 24 to 26mpg in a Cadillac...
No, you know a guy who claims he went from 24 to 26MPG in a Cadillac. Whether he really did and whether the booster had anything to do with it is anybody’s guess.

The above sight is the best one I have found so far...You got groups of guys that started out independentally ho have now formed groups like EBN - Energy Builders Network...
The blind leading the blind.…

CHECK out Stanley Myers or Dave Lawton....
I haven’t familiarized myself with Lawton yet, but I know for a fact that Stan Meyer was a liar and a con man.

FOR A real quick rundown go to check out HHO (which is Hydrogen-hydrogen-oxygen aka; Water when it is split). hydrogen cell etc...
Believe me, I’ve seen the HHO videos on YouTube. I wish YT’s staff would get their act together. As it is right now, they’re practically complicit in this fraud.

And water is not HHO when it’s split. It’s H₂ and O₂.
I bet you're cacking yourself. :rolleyes:
Hydrolysis is not overunity.
Gas powered motors run if there is enough gas to keep it running. Producing enough gas to keep it running is just a numbers game.

This works fine...
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Hydrolysis is not overunity.
Gas powered motors run if there is enough gas to keep it running. Producing enough gas to keep it running is just a numbers game.
And the numbers don’t lie: It’s impossible to get more energy from burning the “HHO” than you put into making it. Which means you can’t run a car off of only water using one of these “boosters”.

This works fine...
**broken link removed**

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If by “works” you mean it makes pretty bubbles, or can store enough energy to run the engine off of HHO-only for a second or two, then sure.
If by “works” you mean it saves gas or is self-sufficient, then dream on.
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