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Grid Tie Inverter Schematic 2.0

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Now suppose we simply convert solar panel 24v output DC to AC with a power monitor at the solar panel junxrion and then combine all panel outputs together using a grid tie device that can regulate and generate a pure sine wave output of the unsynced AC ouputs from all panels, we have reduced the overall cost by more than half, cost being the major factor that can drive this technology to the masses. I hope to solve this first, I also read that unlike mosfet an IGBT allows power to flow I one direction from collector to emitter and so I hope my second problem may be solved with this, but I keep my fingers double crossed :)

I'm suspecting you don't know how alternating current works and why it can't be randomly connected.

Also I don't know where you got your information on IGBT's but they are something I work with fairly often and I can assure you they don't work as you are think they do. They are very much capable of conducting current backwards if reverse biased.

I understand what you're wanting but the reality is alternating current sources cannot be simply connected together randomly like a mix of batteries of matching voltages. It just does not work that way. Physics dictates it.
Thanks for the immediate response tcmtech. You are right, I'm not an electrical engineer, however I see a lot of equipment for synchronizing generators with windmills and other systems, I assumed that the unbalanced load is the unsynced phases and a syncchronoscope was used to sync phases, also honda generators have a sync system for cupping up to 5 or 6 generators and I find some brands of apc ups with parallel sync on YouTube and makes me wonder if I missed anything and why we cannot build something similar. I read about thyristors one way operation and then chanced upon igbt as they too conduct only from collector to emmiter on paper, so I purchased two 600v igbts to begin testing myself. I was hoping to find a quick shortcut by posting my questions here and someone would point me to an existing project, but I guess I have to go about it the hard way .
The problem you are looking at is windmills and mechanical generators are real turning mass type AC power sources that can easily handle some degree of power feedback at any point in their AC cycle whereas inverters are a solid state simulated AC power source that by design can't handle any power feedback at any point in their pseudo AC cycle.

They have no rotating mass or related rotating magnetic fields and thus no real relative physical mass to synchronize with or to. Everything is done a fixed clock system to which if the clock from each inverter are not kept in exact synchronization they will at some point start to cancel each others waveforms out until either they trip a breaker blow a fuse or burn something out.

Now that said, one of the hardest things I had to overcome when I started refining my GTI units was trying to make a simple analog circuit that would to some degree operate in a natural resonance mode yet still self synchronize with whatever AC source it was hooked up to. Sort of a free running oscillator that would revert to a phase locked loop mode if connected to a alternating current source then once linked try and over run the AC source phase lock to the point it would send power back though the system yet not run away or drop its synchronization or draw power depending on how much input power was available or if none is available at all.

Something that proved to be way way harder than just connecting some batteries or DC sources together that have close the same voltage.
Thanks a lot tcmtech! I understand the differences, but I think I may be able to work something out, I'll update my project if nothing blows up :)

I feel you have the potential to do some great projects, so I'd like to share something I recently found which has some good prospects, Please read at leisure, there are some good concepts.

Best Regards,
I don't do the 'free-energy/overunity' stuff. It's been so thoroughly debunked it's shameful.

I play with legitimate DIY wind power alternative/less conventional fuels and such.
You are right, the site source is overunity, but the document is on legitimate projects which may not have much gain but it would be fun projects to do with kids. It's a shame that some of these are not available in school curriculum, as there are lots of good physics, chemistry and real-world applications in there. Someone like you could take it to the next level with your kind of experience and expertise, it's only a suggestion, will try to replicate some of them with my son and probably start a new thread for it :) Thanks for the explaining & taking the time!
Mr. tcmtech, I am testing the proposed inverter, I have the problem when there is no solar panel current, the power transformer takes power from the grid and heats the mosfet. There is a kind of synchronous rectification. What I can do? Thank you.
Mr. tcmtech,
What I can do? Thank you.

Marcelo, please note that tcmtech is banned from this site and will not be able to reply to you.

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