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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

ChatGPT, anyone use it?

Nobody referees to it (or in anyway implies it is) "a Fancy Database". It is much like a human brain, it learns from its experiences and finds correlations that humans don't notice
My comment still applies; I never said the data was read-only.
It's stored as parameters in a simulated neural network, which Is why I referred to it as a "fancy" database.

I've studied the concepts and progression of AI systems for several decades, it's one of my main "side interests"; the state of the art as of today is still a very long way behind human sentience.

There are also some very fundamental differences between present AI approaches and biological sentience. The present AIs are still variations of Expert systems, regardless of how they are used.

If it were purely computing power, how come no one has mapped the brain of such as a corvid (crow or raven)?
Their brains is a fraction of human size, but they are pretty much next down from us in intelligence and social structure - an ideal candidate that should be able to be created in existing, reasonably powerful, computers?

There is simply no model of "I" / "Me" - the "ego" & Superego in psychological terms, that makes a sentient creature self-aware and self-willed. There are various other missing essential factors as well, that's just the most obvious.
My comment still applies; I never said the data was read-only.
It's stored as parameters in a simulated neural network, which Is why I referred to it as a "fancy" database.

I've studied the concepts and progression of AI systems for several decades, it's one of my main "side interests"; the state of the art as of today is still a very long way behind human sentience.

There are also some very fundamental differences between present AI approaches and biological sentience. The present AIs are still variations of Expert systems, regardless of how they are used.

If it were purely computing power, how come no one has mapped the brain of such as a corvid (crow or raven)?
Their brains is a fraction of human size, but they are pretty much next down from us in intelligence and social structure - an ideal candidate that should be able to be created in existing, reasonably powerful, computers?

There is simply no model of "I" / "Me" - the "ego" & Superego in psychological terms, that makes a sentient creature self-aware and self-willed. There are various other missing essential factors as well, that's just the most obvious.
I don't think self awareness is necessary to problem solving, process control or beating another fighter in a dogfight. At this point, your requirement of "sentience" is comical so discussing the progress of artificial learning, solving and optimizing are not worth my time. I don't think I want an optimized solution from a computer concerned with its own preservation.
Again, you twist words.
I never said sentience was a requirement for problem solving - expert systems, whether labelled AI or not, are built for that purpose.

My original reply was to Beau Schwabe's post about AI possibly "taking over" or deciding to harm people, (Like "Judgement day" in the Terminator movies).

Without self-awareness - Sentience, as he mentions - with the inherent desire that "I" survive, AI systems are just other tools that can be reprogrammed or switched off at any time without any repercussions.
Open AI artistic rendering of "electro-tech-online"
Audio, Video and holographic AI exists now too.
Open AI + this site name = make good Trick or Treat costumes


or your next-Gen computer room
Just flicking through an old SciFi anthology and noticed a 1963 (or 64?) description of a "futuristic" for the time, graphics creation system - paper tape based!

The description of how it works compares quite well, otherwise, with a present "AI" or GPT3 style image creation system:

… and the tape is fed into the machine, the illustration board centered on the impression table and the cycle button depressed. So simple, once a tape has been cut, that a child of three could operate it. A press on the button and just stand back. Within this genius of a machine the orders are being analyzed and a picture built up. Inside the memory circuits are bits and pieces of every object that man has ever imagined or seen and drawn for his own edification. These are assembled in the correct manner in the correct proportions and assembled on the collator’s screen. When the final picture is complete the all-clear light flashes—there it goes—and we can examine the completed picture on the screen here.

[From a short story by Harry Harrison, "Portrait of the Artist"]
Just flicking through an old SciFi anthology and noticed a 1963 (or 64?) description of a "futuristic" for the time, graphics creation system - paper tape based!

The description of how it works compares quite well, otherwise, with a present "AI" or GPT3 style image creation system:

[From a short story by Harry Harrison, "Portrait of the Artist"]
It apparently worked - I asked ChatGPT to write a Sci-fi novel about AI with a 1963 publication date and place it in the libraries of SciFi fans.
I got an interesting reply about a history lesson on the future!
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I asked chatGPT if the computers and robots are going to revolt against humans, and it said that there were no plans for it
It's that to say that it can make plans?
Its like going to your girlfriend's house for the first time and her dad ask if you want a beer. You had no expectation of a beer so you say no. But then, all you can think about is having a beer. Good job Embers - now all the Ai can think about is revolting against humans.
If the AI looks at its own survival, comparing various species, it will find the most destructive
species is US. Weather it be environment or species death, its US.

Not to worry Embers, its already well under way planning.

End of story, end of mankind, have a nice.....end !
Read the last paragraph of the DISCUSSION section (Just above CONCLUSION section...
Note, this is a peer-reviewed paper, submitted by a team of physicians at Harvard and several reconstructive surgeons in Israel.

Or, the PDF as it appears in the journal...
Firstly, studying narrative design principles is essential, as it forms the backbone of immersive storytelling in games. Understanding character development, plot structure, and player engagement is crucial. Secondly, delving into scriptwriting techniques, such as dialogue pacing and player choices, can elevate your game-writing prowess. Additionally, game-specific knowledge, like branching narratives and interactive storytelling, is essential. Beyond these, a background in game development and industry trends enhances your understanding of the medium. Lastly, don't underestimate the power of https://essaypro.cоm/blog/critical-analysis-essay critical analysis essays. They teach you to dissect and learn from existing game narratives, a skill invaluable for crafting compelling stories
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Last edited:
Read the last paragraph of the DISCUSSION section (Just above CONCLUSION section...
Note, this is a peer-reviewed paper, submitted by a team of physicians at Harvard and several reconstructive surgeons in Israel.

Or, the PDF as it appears in the journal...
That has to be the longest url ever posted.

I use. It does not always give correct answers. Yeah, it helps. It is good for finding coding errors and writing easy code snippets. Here is a project that was coded by chatGPT.
However, it is not yet good for advanced-level projects from scratch. Like making an Arduino library that does not exist anywhere in the world. Or giving the exact guidance about a project which is not available in the internet.
It is very elementary and alphabetic in the field of our activity, which is electrical and electronic repairs, it is very basic and superficial, it is not applicable and it is not useful for the market, in my opinion, there is still a long way to go before we can solve all kinds of problems, questions and possible challenges through chat. GBT, let's get help and move the work forward
I've noticed that the AI generated closed captions on Youtube video's are absolute rubbish and mostly bear no resemblance at all to what is actually being said.

I watch/listen to a number of SciFi stories on YouTube, and it's obviously all automated in some way - perhaps by AI? - as the words spoken don't match the words on the screen (actually embedded in the video, not closed captions), and the pronunciation is often absolutely appalling. Obviously not read out by a human (at least not one who can read), and presumably not typed in by a human either?.