Zero Cross Detection (50Hz) Coding help

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Hi I just wrote a sample program to do a PWM in 230V/ 50Hz.

Operation is like this

* Wait for zero crosses
* When it does start the timer0
* timer0 set for 39uS
* In every tmr0 overflow increment the delay.
* When delay completed fire the triac
* Wait for next zero crosses

I’m going to fade the 230V bulb using 256 steps.
So when it is fully dim 39 X 256 = 9984 uS less than 10mS.

I just need to check whether its ok or not?

	org	0000h
	clrf	STATUS
	goto	Init

	org	0004h

;detecting Zero cross or TMR0 overflow

	btfsc	INTCON,T0IF	;is it a TMR0 overflow?	;2+1
	goto	Load					;2
	btfsc	INTCON,INTF	;is it a zero cross?	
	goto	Start_T		;yes,
	goto	Exit

Load	movlw	100h-d'255'	;load 1 to TMR0		;1
	movwf	TMR0					;1 = 39uS

;W_count controls the dim level - (256 steps)

256_T	decfsz	W_Count,F
	goto	Exit
	incf	S_Count,F	;increment the delay
	movf	S_Count,W
	movwf	W_Count

Fire	bsf	PORTB,1		;start firing the triac
	bcf	INTCON,T0IE	;disable TMR0 interrupt
	goto	Exit

;turning on the timer, 1(TMR0) X 32(PS) = 32 uS

Start_T	bsf	INTCON,T0IE	;enable TMR0 interrupt	
	movlw	100h-d'255'	;load 1 to TMR0
	movwf	TMR0
	bcf	PORTB,1		;turn off firing 
Invert	movlw	b'00100000'	;invert the edge selection-
	bsf	STATUS,RP0	;-for next zero cross
	xorwf	OPTION_REG,F	
	goto	Exit

Exit	bcf	INTCON,T0IF

;initializing ports

Init	bsf	STATUS,RP0	;bank1
	clrf	TRISB
	movlw	b'00000100'	;set pre scaler 1:32
	bcf	STATUS,RP0	;bank0

	bcf	PORTB,1		;turn off the TRIAC
Main	nop
	goto	Main		;wait until zero crosses

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Thanks for sharing the code.

Very few people can have a program running at the first instance. Most will make either logical or silly mistakes along the way.

Just run it and tell us the results. Part of the fun of experimenting with PIC is to design a program, debug it when it not working and finally get it going.

Waiting for your good news.
Hi eblc1388 thanks for you response.I'll try to make that sooner.I asked about this code because this is dealing with 230V AC.

For me look likes ok but must make & see.

I'll inform you after checking.
Yes, 230V is not a good place to mess around. What electrical isolation are you using between PIC and 230V side?

If you don't use any MOC302x opto-triac to trigger the TRIAC, then I would suggest you experiments with low voltage AC such as 24V or 12V AC. The TRIAC will work the same if you use a low voltage lamp instead.
Suraj143 said:
Hi I just wrote a sample program to do a PWM in 230V/ 50Hz.

I would suggest you're confusing the issue by calling it PWM? (which is really a DC technique), what you're doing is phase shift power control.
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