xc8 option register 16F505

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Well-Known Member
Im trying to get my head around on how to set the option register I tried this don't work
    T0CS = 0;        // Select TMR0 in Timer Mode   
    PSA  = 1;        // Prescaler assigned to WDT
I read that you need to do a << all at once any help would be nice Thanks.
Well I'm trying to get a sw uart working on this chip 16f505
I get all this
main.c:72: warning: (752) conversion to shorter data type
main.c:72: warning: (751) arithmetic overflow in constant expression
main.c:82: warning: (752) conversion to shorter data type
main.c:86: warning: (752) conversion to shorter data type
main.c:88: warning: (752) conversion to shorter data type
main.c:98: warning: (752) conversion to shorter data type
main.c:98: warning: (751) arithmetic overflow in constant expression
main.c:104: warning: (752) conversion to shorter data type
main.c:105: warning: (752) conversion to shorter data type
main.c:108: warning: (752) conversion to shorter data type
main.c:112: warning: (752) conversion to shorter data type
main.c:104: warning: (759) expression generates no code
Here the main c if anyone wants to help out it a remake of romanblack code using xc8
and C.A.Roper work.
//    Soft UART Test for PIC16F505
//    Based on http://www.romanblack.com/bitbangserial.htm
//    C.A.Roper - 2013/02/23
#pragma config OSC = ExtRC_CLKOUTEN// Oscillator Selection bits (External RC oscillator/CLKOUT function on RB4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin)
#pragma config WDT = OFF         // Watchdog Timer Enable bit (WDT enabled)
#pragma config CP = OFF         // Code Protection bit (Code protection off)
#pragma config MCLRE = ON       // RB3/MCLR Pin Function Select bit (RB3/MCLR pin function is MCLR)

// #pragma config statements should precede project file includes.
#include <xc.h>
#include <stdint.h>
//#include <pic.h>

// Use project enums instead of #define for ON and OFF.
// Prototypes of functions used
void send_serial_byte(unsigned char);
unsigned char receive_serial_byte(void);
//    Global Defines
#define _XTAL_FREQ         4000000            // System Clock rate
#define BAUDRATE        9600            // Desierd BAUD Rate (tested) Rates 9600 and 19200
#define SER_BAUD         ((_XTAL_FREQ / 4) / BAUDRATE - 3)
#define SER_BIT            0                // Signal MODE - 1 = Normal 0 = Inverted (Use Inverted for direct 232)
// I/O Pins
#define TxPin             PORTCbits.RC0    // Output Tx 
#define RxPin             PORTCbits.RC1    // Input  Rx 
//    MAIN
void main(void)
//    Setup - Run once
    //    Default I/O Setup
    OSCCAL= 0b01111110;
    PORTC        = 0;                // Turn all Outputs OFF
    TRISC        = 0b001010;            // INPUTS: GP1 = RxPin, GP3 = Button
    OPTION = 0b11110110;
//    Main Loop - Run Forever
        if(RxPin == !SER_BIT)        // wait here for serial byte start bit
            send_serial_byte(receive_serial_byte());    // Echo back      

//    User Functions
void send_serial_byte(unsigned char data)
    unsigned char i;
    i = 8;                                // 8 data bits to send
    TxPin = !SER_BIT;                    // make start bit
    TMR0  = (256 - SER_BAUD);            // load TMR1 value for first baud;
    while(TMR0 & (1 << 7));                // wait for baud
    while(i)                            // send 8 serial bits, LSB first
        if(data & 1<<0)TxPin= SER_BIT;    // send data bit
        else           TxPin=!SER_BIT;
        data = (data >> 1);                // rotate right to get next bit
        TMR0 -= SER_BAUD;                // load corrected baud value
        while(TMR0 & 1<<7);                // wait for baud
    TxPin =  SER_BIT;                    // make stop bit
    TMR0 -= SER_BAUD;                    // wait a couple of baud for safety
    while(TMR0 & 1<<7);
    TMR0 -= SER_BAUD;
    while(TMR0 & 1<<7);

unsigned char receive_serial_byte(void)
    unsigned char RxChr;                // holds the serial byte that was received
    unsigned char i;                    // Bit Index
    i = 8;                                // 8 data bits to receive
    TMR0 =(256 - (SER_BAUD - 19));        // load TMR1 value to offset ~center of RxBit
    while(TMR0 & 1<<7);                    // wait for baud
    while(i)                            // receive 8 serial bits, LSB first
        RxChr = (RxChr>>1);              // rotate right to store each bit
        if(  RxPin == 1)                // save data bit
            RxChr = RxChr | SER_BIT<<7;
        else RxChr = RxChr |!SER_BIT<<7;  
        i--;                            // Next Bit
        TMR0 -= SER_BAUD;                // load corrected baud value
        while(TMR0 & 1<<7);                // wait for baud
    TMR0 -= SER_BAUD;                    // wait for stop bit, ensure serial port is free
    while(TMR0 & 1<<7);
    return RxChr;
The errors are only warnings so your code should compile. The first warning is probably on the line TMR0 =(256 - (SER_BAUD - 19)); and is because 256 is too big to be a char so it's an int and it overflows. Try changing it to TMR0 =(0 - (SER_BAUD - 19));

Yes when I changed this OSCCAL= 0b01111110; from just trying to set the bit's as first post it complies. Got to sleepy to too test it.
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