Writing USB Joystick for PIC18F using MikroC

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void select_channel(int channel)
     if ( channel == 1 )
      ADCON0.CHS0 = 0x1;
      ADCON0.CHS2 = 0x0;
      ADCON0.CHS1 = 0x0;
      ADCON0.CHS3 = 0x0;
    else if (channel == 8)
      ADCON0.CHS0 = 0x0;
      ADCON0.CHS2 = 0x0;
      ADCON0.CHS1 = 0x0;
      ADCON0.CHS3 = 0x1;
      ADCON0.CHS0 = 0x1;
      ADCON0.CHS2 = 0x0;
      ADCON0.CHS1 = 0x0;
      ADCON0.CHS3 = 0x1;

unsigned int ADC_read_implementation(int channel){

    unsigned int adval = 0;
    ADCON2.B7 = 1; //results right justified
    ADCON2.B0 = 0;
    ADCON2.B1 = 1;
    ADCON2.B2 = 1;
    ADCON2.B3 = 1;
    ADCON2.B4 = 0;
    ADCON2.B5 = 1;

    ADCON1 = 0x05;

    ADCON0.B0 = 1; //turn on ADC

    ADCON0.GO_DONE = 1;
    while(ADCON0.GO_DONE == 1);
    adval = (ADRESH << 8) + ADRESL;

    return adval;

     usb[0] = (char)ADC_read_implementation();

     usb[1] = (char)ADC_read_implementation();
     usb[2] = (char)ADC_read_implementation();
That's the right sort of thing - but as I've as I've said, the delay required is dependent on the source impedance.

I'd be inclinded to start high (100mS?), and make sure that the controls don't affect each other - then reduce the delay until they start affecting each other, then increase it again.
Very strange problem, I disabled all ADC things, and I still use the POT and I still get values on the USB device Joystick, any idea about that problem ?
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