Writing to EEPROMs using MPLab

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What is the easiest way to write to an EEPROM (24LC16) through MPLab? I see the app note saying that it is possible, I am just unsure of how to format/set it up...

Any thoughts?

Under mplab 8.76, after selecting the programmer and selecting the device as eeprom and specifically the 24LC16, the err message "the mplab doesn't support the selected device" and the pickit2 was grayed out.

mean time , while the device is being selected , the list only shows mplab pm3 in green.
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Blue - Do you have any examples of how to create/import the hex file to the pickit2 software? I read the manual but it doesnt say much...Im a bit confused...
Blue - Do you have any examples of how to create/import the hex file to the pickit2 software? I read the manual but it doesnt say much...Im a bit confused...

Are you wanting to know regarding eeprom programming? at pickit2 the read me at help location deals with handling eeprom programming.
\ part of the section is reproduced here,

> Serial EEPROM support:

24LC I2C bus devices:
Bus Speed-
400kHz with Tools -> Fast Programming checked
100kHz with Tools -> Fast Programming unchecked

NOTE: Bus pullups are required for all
programming operations. 400kHz requires
2k Ohm pullups.

Ax Chip Select checkboxes-
These are only enabled for devices that support
address chip selects, and allow programming of
multiple devices on the same bus.

Connections for 24LC devices
PICkit 2 Pin 24LC Device Pin (DIP)
(2) Vdd 8 Vcc
(3) GND 4 Vss
(5) PGC 6 SCL (driven as push-pull)
(6) AUX 5 SDA (requires pullup)
7 WP - disabled (GND)
1, 2, 3 Ax pins
Connect to Vdd or GND per
datasheet and to set address

it continues for other chip versions.
Thanks Sarma. I did see this in the manual as well.. I see how to set it up circuitry wise, however I am still a bit confused on how to create the hex file and bring it in to the pickit2 software.... Any thoughts on this?
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