wireless monitoring

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New Member
Hi all,

I'm trying to put together a little project for my house just as my first true adventure into the world of wireless. It involves really simple wireless transmissions. I want to be able to set up sensors on various devices, which will basically give an on/off or hi/lo signal. I then want to be able to transmit the status of each of these sensors to a main control unit which can display the status of each sensor.

For instance, say I develop some type of sensor to determine whether my basement door is open, the status of the sensor is transmitted to the main station, which will then light up an LED to display that the door is open.

Since I'm new to wireless, I'm really unsure as to what type of wireless technology to use to make this work. I need a range of about 100ft, maybe more, but typically just a range of inside a medium sized house. I don't know if I should look into bluetooth, zigbee, or xbee or anything else. If someone could just give a recommendation on what types of technologies might be good to start with and mock up something simple, I would really appreciate it.

Have a look at the texas Instruments CC1111, basically it was designed with this sort of project in mind. I'm seriously considering it for my home automation/monitoring project.
Go to tp01.com you will have multi-choices for your application.
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