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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

why not get right result?

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New Member
There is one simple circuit for LM386,but when I simulate it,I can't get the right result.Per LM386 specification,that circuit power gain is 20.And the input sinewave sinewae is 50mv,so the output pin5 will get 50mv*20=1000mv=1v(Pls note:LM386 power supply voltage is 6V).However,the simulation result is 12uv, not 1v,I don't know why happen this,pls correct me if I'm wrong.Thanks.


  • LM386.JPG
    133.9 KB · Views: 201
There is one simple circuit for LM386,but when I simulate it,I can't get the right result.Per LM386 specification,that circuit power gain is 20.And the input sinewave sinewae is 50mv,so the output pin5 will get 50mv*20=1000mv=1v(Pls note:LM386 power supply voltage is 6V).However,the simulation result is 12uv, not 1v,I don't know why happen this,pls correct me if I'm wrong.Thanks.

hi wealth,
The amplifier circuit is incorrectly wired.:)

Please post you *.asc file.
hi wealth,
The amplifier circuit is incorrectly wired.:).
It is wired correctly but has a "divide by 2" voltage divider at its input so its output for frequencies from 100Hz to 100kHz is 0.5V.

Why bother simulating it? The LM386 is simply a piece of wire with gain.
The sim program doesn't know anything about it.
It is wired correctly but has a "divide by 2" voltage divider at its input so its output for frequencies from 100Hz to 100kHz is 0.5V.

Why bother simulating it? The LM386 is simply a piece of wire with gain.
The sim program doesn't know anything about it.

Misread the type number as a conventional OPA, not an audio amp..

agu, send me your opticians phone number.:rolleyes:
agu, send me your opticians phone number.:rolleyes:
Yesterday when I flew my electric RC model aiplane it caught a thermal (rising warm air) and went so high that I could hardly see it with my fixed eyes. I turned off its motor and it glided like a brick.

Then I noticed a pretty girl on the far side of the park and forgot about my airplane. It nearly hit me.
Yesterday when I flew my electric RC model aiplane it caught a thermal (rising warm air) and went so high that I could hardly see it with my fixed eyes. I turned off its motor and it glided like a brick.

Then I noticed a pretty girl on the far side of the park and forgot about my airplane. It nearly hit me.

You seem to have a lot of pretty girls in your neighbourhood, are you sure that your new lenses are not rose coloured.:D

You should fit a minicam in your RC plane so that we can see all these lovely ladies.;)
You seem to have a lot of pretty girls in your neighbourhood, are you sure that your new lenses are not rose coloured.:D
The new man-made lenses in my eyes are perfect so I don't need glasses anymore to see far away, colours are extremely vivid and I don't need sun glasses to block ultra-violet rays.
I notice only the pretty girls (yes there are lots of them and they like to be noticed) and don't see the ugly ones.
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