When will damaged the transistor and ICs without using them?

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Well-Known Member
Now I bought few components for further use like this:- 2n3904, 2n2222, BC547, 2n2219, 2n3553, 2sc1971, 555 Timer, 7805 Reg, LDR, different types of capacitors. I bought more than my need. Will they expire like food product after certain time even without using? Want to know actual fact.
The only components in you list that is likely to deteriorate with time are any electrolytic capacitors. The rest will likely outlive you.
Nah, they are made of silicon. Store them somewhere dry (use silica gel packets) and cool in an anti-static bag if you have one. They will be fine for a LOOOOONG time.

Seal them in plastic vacuum bags. Why??

Because the metal parts/legs will corrode with time and render them unsolderable. Seen it lot's with many old unused spares.

Some electronic parts over there are fake! They do not meet the specs for a REAL one and corrode easily.

I think Willen is in India where nobody knows if a part is REAL or is a FAKE.
Comparatively here I can find electronics part in very low cost than USA. So I guessed most of parts are fake. But there are no alternative so I bought. I can buy Four 2N2219 in $ 1 here . 2SC1971 can found on $ 1 only. The labele is "TL 2N3866", "GL2N2219" and "C1971" with logo of Mitshubisi. I hope even fake will work . I have no idea to check it is Fake or Real. Do you have?
Hope this simple components is not very sensitive on static charge.
I buy name brand American and European parts from Digikey or Newark. They are not fakes.
I have used tens of thousands of transistors and ICs in my career and NONE has ever failed.
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