Well-Known Member
If you could design a PIC development PCB...
Examples of development boards.
PCB size will affect the cost, so remember smaller is cheaper. I would like it to be either so it can be put into a 2 or 3 ring binder.
It will be a double sided FR4 PCB with top & bottom solder masks and silkscreen on the top layer.
Design goals are to use mostly common readily available parts, also avoiding surface mount for ease of assembly and repair.
Standard features (No built in programmer)
Programming connector ICD2 (RJ12), Junebug/Inchworm (2x5) or PICkit2 (RA 1x6)
2mm coax power jack with bridge rectifier (round or square?)
5V LM7805 or LM2940 regulator
Jumperable USB-B connector & 0.47uF for 18F4550
Crystal socket with jumpers for A6 & A7
16 pin inline 2x16 LCD connector
One 10K pot with jumpers for several I/O configurations
RS232 port with MAX232 (DTE or DCE?)
What onboard features do you consider important for a development board
Space around 40 pin socket to support a ZIF socket
35 LEDs one per Output pin
36 pushbuttons one per Input pin
4x4 keyboard matrix
pushbutton type joystick keypad (as seen on EasyPIC6)
28 pin socket
18 pin socket
8 pin socket
Solderless breadboard, Large, Medium or Small
4.096V voltage reference (not exactly a common part though)
RS485 (SN75176 or MAX485 etc...)
I2C RTC (DS1307) will require battery
2x5 I/O headers (as seen on EasyPIC boards)
128x64 GLCD 20pin header
3pin 1wire connector
PS I'll edit this post with additional features
Examples of development boards.
PCB size will affect the cost, so remember smaller is cheaper. I would like it to be either so it can be put into a 2 or 3 ring binder.
It will be a double sided FR4 PCB with top & bottom solder masks and silkscreen on the top layer.
Design goals are to use mostly common readily available parts, also avoiding surface mount for ease of assembly and repair.
Standard features (No built in programmer)
Programming connector ICD2 (RJ12), Junebug/Inchworm (2x5) or PICkit2 (RA 1x6)
2mm coax power jack with bridge rectifier (round or square?)
5V LM7805 or LM2940 regulator
Jumperable USB-B connector & 0.47uF for 18F4550
Crystal socket with jumpers for A6 & A7
16 pin inline 2x16 LCD connector
One 10K pot with jumpers for several I/O configurations
RS232 port with MAX232 (DTE or DCE?)
What onboard features do you consider important for a development board
Space around 40 pin socket to support a ZIF socket
35 LEDs one per Output pin
36 pushbuttons one per Input pin
4x4 keyboard matrix
pushbutton type joystick keypad (as seen on EasyPIC6)
28 pin socket
18 pin socket
8 pin socket
Solderless breadboard, Large, Medium or Small
4.096V voltage reference (not exactly a common part though)
RS485 (SN75176 or MAX485 etc...)
I2C RTC (DS1307) will require battery
2x5 I/O headers (as seen on EasyPIC boards)
128x64 GLCD 20pin header
3pin 1wire connector
PS I'll edit this post with additional features