What is the # of this chip

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Just a reminder, If you use too large a electrolytic cap with too large a resistor in your timing section a 555 *CAN* malfunction due to leakage current.

It might be easier to invert the output using a simple diode in the charge circuit as shown in the datasheet/application notes circulating for getting <50% duty cycle.

Final product, works the way I want it, just takes forever for it to start pumping when you turn it on because the 1000uf cap is starting at 0 v.
Sim says 7:53 (9:08 actual) to the first toggle, 63 s ( 1:41 actual) to the next, then 4:44 (7:22 actual), then 62 (1:46 actual), then 7:12 actual. Good enough for me, when i'm using it, I'm usually in my recliner for a hour or 3, so that just what I wanted.
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