What is the differece between " OC (Open Collector Gate) " and "inverter"

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New Member
What is the differece between " OC (Open Collector Gate) " and "inverter" ??????

Are they the same??????

I am sorry to disturb to you, and also sorry to ask such a simple question
No, the first is open-collector (pull down only), the second isn't (pull up and pull down).
You cannot drive an OC high without an external component (simplest being a resistor, but often a relay) pulled to a positive voltage (usually Vcc of your circuit). The advantage of OC is that the external supply can be much higher than the supply voltage of the main circuit. The disadvantage is speed as the resistor has to charge any parasitic capacitance present on the OC output.

An invertor can still be OC but usually will drive high and low and is much faster.
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