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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

what is the cheapest and smallest way to make SPDT Digital switch?

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New Member
I want to build a circuit to turn on LED1 on first click , LED2 on second , OFF on third , and i need to make it as small as possible , what do you think is the best way to do it , i thought i could find a tact switch that would do the job for me , but i couldn't because there is no such thing or am a newbie :) .
Help please
You need a state machine with one input (momentary switch). It has two outputs (LEDs). It has three states, off, Led1, Led2, off, ...

It will take at least two flip-flops (or their equivalent) to build it. You could use some CMOS logic...
Thanks for your reply Mike , i tried google to get more info about how to use a flipflop ,cmos ,and finite-state machine , but i couldn't get anything useful ,
can you explain more ? any similar circuits that i could grasp the concept from ?

Thanks :D
a 555 timer with its output pin 3 connected to a one-shot configured transistor to delay the second led, such that led 1 goes high then with the delay @ the transistor, led2 joins and become high too. untill the 555 goes low and every thing goes low. that will be: 1 0-1 1-0 0
There are 8-pin microcontrollers which you might want to explore if you're willing to go into PICs. They're much simpler in terms of construction, you just need to explore the know-how building the main board, some switches and the LEDs you have, of course. Very small.

Some examples:
Flashing LED with PIC12F629 | Circuit Project Electronic
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