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New Member
Hi, sorry for my english, i am Angolan citizen living in Africa continent, i love math, i can make some calculus, i work in electronic field for 15 years ago, i have the second year of high school in my country in electromechanical engineering, my oficial language is portuguese, i am sorry for my english, my matter is that i would like to create myself project from the begin till the end, start with the need example if i want to make a mosquito killer, i must know the frequency range that mosquitoes doesn´t like an make the project, i need you teach where i have to start.
From what I have read and learned. Mosquitoes are not deterred by a given frequency. Save your money and try another project.
Welcome to ETO!
I agree with Inquisitive. But if you did actually generate a frequency that mosquitoes don't like you would drive them away. So how then would you kill them?
Hi onebrain, welcome to the forum.
I'm no expert however better insect repellers tend to use a circuit that generates a range of frequencies, such a circuit for a beginner is fairly complex, you might be better looking for a kit.
If I was to do such a thing I'd be using a micrcontroller such as an arduino ro a pic.
I assume you mean repell rather than killer, the latter would take a lot of power using audio.
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