Wah pedal parts help!!

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New Member
Hi I am building a Wah guitar pedal for a collage project and Im having difficulty finding some specific parts. Can anyone give some alternative parts for the following components:

Transistor: MPSA 18

Diode: ZL9M3

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Digikey has more than 3000 MPSA18 high gain transistors in stock for $.25 each.
A 2N5089 is almost the same.

Datasheetarchive.com never heard of the diode.
Not sure if this helps.

Found this in German I think. No idea, but figure out the language it might help.

http://www.geocities.com/j4_student/crybaby95.gif laut diesem Schema ist die Diode eine Zener Diode und zwar eine Zl9M3. Welche Diode meinst du denn? Reden wir vllt. aneinander vorbei?

Ps.: bei mir war eine 1N5239B verbaut.
Translator I found gave this. Hope it helps.
http://www.geocities.com/j4_student/crybaby95.gif according to this pattern is the diode a Zener diode namely a Zl9M3. Which diode do you mean then? Do we talk at cross-purposes vllt.?

Ps .: with me was obstructed 1N5239B.

Good luck.
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