Volcanic idiots

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I watched a Horizon program last night, about volcanoes and the art of prediction. It is claimed that eruptions are preceeded by an increase in so-called "long term events", resonance phenomena in the movement of magma, and that this fact has only recently been spotted.
Now, someone would have us believe that no volcanologist has ever put the data through a fourier transform, which would show some pretty spikes, or run it through a loudspeaker at various speeds. Were this the case, then it would imply that to become a volcanologist you have to fail the Tesco intelligence test for collecting trolleys from the car park. And I don't believe that for an instant. Who is telling FIBS?
I get a chuckle out of scientists hoping to find ways to predict eruptions and earthquakes so they can give us a mere 20-30 seconds of advanced warning!!!! One scientist thought in reality it would be no more than 20 seconds at best. Just enough time for me to run out the door with my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and let the pets out too! Thanks!

Watched a program last night about volcanos, one it showed was in the Phillipines (I think) with a US airforce base 15 miles away. They managed to give sufficient warning to evacuate the 30,000 people at risk (including the airbase) - and no lives were lost.

It also ended with a 'super' volcano, Yellowstone national park - which erupted 1,200,000 and 600,000 years ago - and many think is due again anytime soon! (although they may be up to 100,000 years in error).
I believe I saw that show weeks ago on Discovery Channel. Yes, the Yellowstone Park is supposed to be America's supervolcano. Mt. Ranier in Washington state is another sleeping giant.
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