I'm very new to PIC and have had success turning on LEDs with my 16F627 PIC microcontroller. I'm now trying to turn on motors, but I don't want to drain power from the PIC by running the motor directly off of the output pin. So I tried using a small relay (5VDC,89mA) so that the PIC turns on the relay, which then draws power from a dedicated battery for the motor. However, my output pins can't provide enough voltage to turn on the relay (requires 5V)! I am providing 5.5V DC INTO the PIC chip and my output pins are putting OUT 2.4V when they go high. I also can't turn on transistors with my output pins because they also require 5V. I feel very limited by the low output pin voltage. Am I doing something wrong? Why are the output pin voltages so low? Please help!