verify failed at address 0000h with IC-Prog

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IT IS NOT ENOUGH. you need not see the conditions when ic-prog is not in picture. Only after ic Prog is brought to line, do following

Precondition:We assume that you are using a conventional Desktop PC and not a LAP top or a letest PC which outputs only 3.3vSIgnals.
if you have the help file better read ir fully and follow it.
1. goto SETTINGS-HARDWARE- se PROGRAMMER to SCHAER programmer.Watch the portindicated is LPT1 . Also ensure whether the programmer is reallty plgged at LPT1?
2. Interface -Windows API
3. iodealy-- set to 20ms
4. come out of this snall window 'Hardware settings' by pressing 'OK'
5. Now GO to 'options-misc' here you set the operating system - set it to 'Enable nt/2000/xp Driver' if it is applicable.
6. set process Priority 'Normal'
7. click 'OK'
8. select ' Programing' and set "verification method. -you can choose 'after programing' if you don't lock the code. otherwise second choice.
9. click 'OK' and come ot of this page.
10. select the device by right side top select button.
11. Select the clock-- xt for crystal lp for low freq crystal(32.768KHz ) etc.
12. switch off 'LVP'
13. set the other parameters IF YOU DID NOT SPECIFY THE CONFIG WORD.
14.At thi stage you can check whether the data is coming to the program pins of the ic socket(dont put IC now) . you may use a LED witha series resistor of say 1K (earth -IK resistor --LED short lead-- ) apply the long lead at the concerned pin and then invert the respective control wire from the program by ticking inv for each of the pins like data, clock, mclear, vpp vcc etc and see whether th e hard ware is responding to the programm.
mvs sarma said:

IT IS NOT ENOUGH. you need not see the conditions when ic-prog is not in picture.

The first step is to use a proper power supply and check the circuit, before initializing the software.
Thanks you very very much Sarma for your tutorial, here are the news:
1.- still does not work, the MCLR is 11,9V when i click "program all"...i think that is enought.
2.- i really dont know the problem... could be the .HEX and the fuses??
cucamunga said:
Thanks you very very much Sarma for your tutorial, here are the news:
1.- still does not work, the MCLR is 11,9V when i click "program all"...i think that is enought.
2.- i really dont know the problem... could be the .HEX and the fuses??

The 'problem' has been explained to you repeatedly! - you're not feeding it from a high enough power supply - have you increased the input to 16-18V yet as the circuit requires?.
eng1 said:
The voltage is too low, as expected. It must be 13 ± 0.5 V. If you have two 9 V batteries, connect them in series and use them to power the circuit.

18F452 Datasheet Table 22-2 stated that minumum programming voltage = 9V, absolute max. Vpp 13.25V.

Why suggest 13.5V?
eblc1388 said:
18F452 Datasheet Table 22-2 stated that minumum programming voltage = 9V, absolute max. Vpp 13.25V.

Why suggest 13.5V?

From the first post I understand that he's trying to program a PIC16F877A.
Eng1 you're right. I definitely need my eyes checked.

My mistake as I looked back at the OP's first post to see what chip he is trying to program and I saw "I tried to program 18F452.." and I should have read further.

For a 16F877A, from the datasheet the Vpp min is Vdd+3.5V =8.5V and Vpp max is 13.5V. Therefore 12V is still quite sufficient to program the chip.

I have tried a couple of experiments last year to see if 12V really works and the result suggested it does. The result was reported to this forum then.

The later chips generally accept a far wider voltage spread, but following the circuit you're building is generally a good idea!.
I think the problem is not the voltage level itself.

It is the fact that the voltage is not stable because the regulator is not regulating properly.
All said so much, they don't come forward what is the difficulty in giving an input of 15 to 18 Volts< and we cant expect 7812 to give pure 12volts even ( with 2 diodes on common lead) and if garge comes as input to programmer --only garbage goes into the chip-- SO, Cucamunga has to arrange for 16VDC as input and then only we can perhaps didcus workablity at 12 V even? i hope you agree-- it is late here like 0420 and so far i was trying to serve Wrt54 case by 'deathbyfire69' . hope Cucamurnga comes up with proper power supply tomorrow
I use a DC-to-DC converter to generate 19v from other power supply, not from the PC. I connect it to a 7805 and a 7812.
The MCLR/Vpp is 11.9v when i click "program all" and y check "invert Vpp" from the "hardware option".
With this settings(fuses:all uncheck but DEBUGGER) i write some information on the PIC(at lease is what i believe, and after 10 trys) but the weird thing is when i wait for awhile and close the program i readed the PIC and only appears 3FFF.
I was able to write too with the DEBUGGER fuse uncheck.

This have to do anything with the RE1/~WR/AN6 and the RE0/~RD/AN5 pins?
cucamunga said:
I use a DC-to-DC converter to generate 19v from other power supply, not from the PC. I connect it to a 7805 and a 7812.
The MCLR/Vpp is 11.9v when i click "program all" and y check "invert Vpp" from the "hardware option".
asper the schematic you were to add 2 diodes (in4148 will do ) in series with common center pin before grounding it. if you use heat sink you shold insulate the body of 7812 -- otherwise diodes will be shorted.
the output of the 7812 with 2 diodes in circuit will be 13++. try and confirm
then you check the functioning of the prog
the fuses have any thing to do with the .HEX file?
if i take any .hex file...should i now somethings about it?...
and the dummies question of the year... what are the fuses?...can anyone explain to me every fuses?
i only understand the watchdog.
Can any one explain to me the RE1/~WR/AN6 and the RE0/~RD/AN5 pins? because in the schematic the RE0/~RD/AN5 pin is connect to ground...should i connect the RE1/~WR/AN6 to ground to?...can i disconnect both?
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I finally program it !!!!... but the thing is when i turn it off for awhile the last program is erased !!...any ideas why?? i have to leave the pic with the power supply for avoid erase it?
can anyone recommend me a compiler ??.. easy-to-use and with MACROS easy-to-use support.
Normally when you programme a PIC the programme remains in the PIC after the power is turned off.

Otherwise PICs would be useless.

So I have no idea why your PIC is loosing its programme.

I use MPLAB to write, test and compile.
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