Verify error at location 0000h

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New Member
Please help me...i'm using ic-prog and the hardware by bob blick (classic pic programmer)....i can't program a PIC it says verify error at location 0000h...i'm using pic basic pro compiler from zonsiviri's site...can anyone help me out with this....i'm a newbie that's why i don't know anything bout this problem....

haven't had much experience with pic, but from what you are saying it looks like your pic either doesn't erase or has a corrupted eeprom location.

First I would make sure that you can erase the part. Select erase device from whatever program you are using, and see if it is successful. If not, then that means there is something wrong with your pic (or your configuration, make sure you have the right device selected etc.)

If it erases fine, then try programming the pic, if it doesn't work then it means there is something wrong with your pic (or again your configuration - make sure you have the right device selected, and everything connected according to instructions. Also make sure your programming range is set to the specifications)
Hope this helps.

verify error means that the program has written to a location (in this case 0000h) and read it again. The data written and read back did not match, so the transfer was unsuccessfull. This can happen for a whole lot of reasons. Anymore info would be welcome (programmer hardware?, win XP?,.... )
If I remember correctly, that was just another version
of serial programmer for parallel port (similar to Dave Tait
and P16Pro).

First of all, are you sure your programmer is ok?
For example, you could check with your programmer
powered up (no PIC required for the tests) if you can
measure +5 and +13.5V.
You can also use a 100 Ohm resistor to pull inputs
(normally plugges to LPT port) high and low (+5V and 0V)
to see if the voltage on MCLR pin changes correctly (0-13V)
and RB pins (0-5V). This is simple test to simulate program
using LPT port to access your programmer.

Once you are sure the hardware part is ok. You must check
configuration of your programming software so it correctly
supports your hardware (check if that's what
you use and look for "settings for officially supported programmers").
Use "hardware test" to verify that IC-Prog can control the MCLR,
RB6 and RB7 voltages (just like you were supposed to do with resistor).
If this part works then software setup is correct.

Note that for NT based operating systems you also need to install
proper driver (also available from

Once you have all of this working fine (hardware and software setup)
it is time to plug jour PIC into programmers socket. Get any HEX file
just to try downloading (it doesn't have to be something for YOUR pic or
something you would like to run, all we need is a HEX file to see if
you can burn it into chip and VERIFY that downloaded file is ok).

I don't know what PIC you have so check out some resources on the web
such as

**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**

Next step is to find something that would work with the chip you have
(anything). Flashers in previous links are just fine. Try to modify
source code (for example make it flash faster etc.) and compile it.
Compiling should produce new HEX file that you can download into chip.
Check it out and see if it works. It doesn't matter what language you use
as long as you can get it compiled into HEX file and then download this
file into chip. Once you get this working, pat yourself on the back
and smile. Now it's time to download and READ datasheet for your PIC
and do something usefull.

Hope this helps

This error message is probably one of the most common reported, it's almost always caused by the PIC not getting switched to programming mode. Which compiler you are using is actually completely irrelevent, but it's far better to give too much detail than too little.

The most common cause is too little voltage on the MCLR pin, it really wants to be about 13V (12V tends to be unreliable) - if you are using a wallwart for power, an unstabilized one may drop below this under load causing these sorts of problems.
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