Using the MRF24J40MA

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Hi i have made 2 PICDEMZ clones,tested the demo applications.I wanted to get some pointers on how to use the MRF24J40MA for custom applications(gone through AN965C and AN1232).I have also made config files using ZENA(compared them as said in the data sheet).What i wanted to know that for making custom applications are we supposed to use the Zigbee primitive sequence that is used in the sample applications (of course changing what we dont need) or write them from scratch?

Are you sure you want to use Zigbee. Microchip is not too big on using the 18F's with it.. Take a look a Miwi (or whatever it is called).

Zigbee is all about the profile. If the zigbee profiles do not meet you need there is little point in using zigbee.
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