Using RF or GPS/LAAS?? for short distance measurement

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Mike B

New Member

I'm complete nub to the forum. I have a question regarding if there are any good tools that have been developed for short distance measurement between two points (beacon & controller setup) to calculate distance with a small margin of error like 5 to 20 cm. I know there are things like avalanche beacon transceivers. But are there any that you guys are familiar that can be used in a setup where I leave a beacon in location x and have my controller / operating console to tell me my distance from x to y. I've looked and I see alot of in development products but nothing that is on the markets.

The distances im looking for in particular are at the max range of 20 to 30 meters apart that can be bounced off or go through objects.

Thank you for your time and answers,

All the best
I think this gets you to the Optical (Laser) domain. Even differential GPS would have a tough time with this...
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