Unusual unintended space insertion

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Well-Known Member
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Hello there,

In another thread i had typed out the number:

and found that after the post is saved here it shows up with a space between the
905 and the 0988 about 16 characters in from the end. So instead of that part:
it shows up as:
..905 0988...

Any reason why this should happen? It is typed as a single number with no spaces but shows
up with that one space in there.

I just checked and this post did it too at least with the large long number. But with the two smaller numbers
it showed up as i intended it to show up, with no space in the first number and a space in the second number
(that second space was intentional however just to show what happened to the large long number).

Here is a test of a longer number (1024 digits):

Ok here we can see that it is inserting a space after the fiftieth (50th) character for some reason. If i stretch out the horizontal of the window i view in i can see that it inserts a space after EVERY 50th character unless it runs out of space and then it instead uses a carriage return line feed.
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But what about the apha characters?


did I just type all that nonsense?

I guess I must have done!

Looks like they are treated the same.

There is also a typo in my preceding post!

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