Hi guys, I just ran a code I made long time back to test it on my teensy, a very simple program, the user inputs the number of times a green LED and a red LED has to blink and the LED blinks that many number of times, but when I open my serial monitor when using my teensy's, nothing comes, no prompt message, only when I give a value, the next prompt comes for the other LED and blinks the correct number of LED's. Only when it goes through the loop for the second time then it says "how many times do you want to blink the green LED?".
I tried it on my Arduino Uno, and it works just right, what could be the problem? The Arduino file is here, let me know if I have done anything wrong.
I tried it on my Arduino Uno, and it works just right, what could be the problem? The Arduino file is here, let me know if I have done anything wrong.
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