U/S links

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New Member
I've just decided to give Oshonsoft another go, and so checked out the following forum page:
only to find that the links given there for the "getting started" files don't work anymore - which is hardly surprising, as they're dated 2011 Any chance of fixing them ? Ta.

Can we not remove the dead links and replace them with working links?

(Who thinks that he may have just volunteered himself for a job!)
Why when the site is still up and running??? The ones on the net are updated HTML .. Its just as easy for him as it was me to find them...
EM re-wote them in PDF format... Its not Ideal to link off site... Go see what I have done.
Why when the site is still up and running??? The ones on the net are updated HTML .. Its just as easy for him as it was me to find them...
I had assumed that the links were to different files than those on the Oshonsoft site. If they are the same files (well, essentially the same) - then ignore my request.
I had assumed that the links were to different files than those on the Oshonsoft site. If they are the same files (well, essentially the same) - then ignore my request.
I wasn't being sarcy, its just that the old PDF's were out of date so to speak..
I didn't think you were .. I saw that Eric Gibbs had re-written the PicBasic manual, and so - as those links were directed to their own sub-directory here - I then assumed (hoped ?) that someone had done something similar to the "getting started" files, rather than them being mirror copies.

So - as I say - my request can simply be ignored now, as it's completely irrelevant. It always was irrelevant - but I didn't know that. 20/20 hindsight.
'best ...
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