Transformers + Unipolar Signals

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have a question about transformers.

I know that transformers only pass AC but for some reason I am having trouble working out in my head what a transformer outputs if you input a unipolar square wave through it (assuming the square wave doesn't get distorted). Because a unipolar square wave has a DC component to it, so I would think that it just gets filtered out at the secondary and you get a bipolar square wave of half the peak amplitude (where the secondary terminals are constantly reversing polarity).

BUt at the same time, since the square wave is unipolar, the voltage polarity of the primary pins always stays the same (one pin always has a higher voltage than the other), and I have a hard time visualizing this constant polarity does not carry over to the secondary pins. But if this happens then the output signal also has the same DC bias the input signal had.

Can anyone clear this up for me? I'd have no problem thinking about what happens if you input a DC biased unipolar sinusoid into into the transformer but for some reason I think about a unipolar square wave differently.

But I'm almost positive that a bipolar signal comes out of the output even if I don't quite believe it. FOr some reason I have this idea in my head that the relative polarity of transformer primary and secondaries stay the same.
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