top down design, bottom up implementation technique. UML and structure chart

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Hello, I'v been reading something about Microcontrollers fundamentals, and they begin talking about some basic stuff about digital systems like floating point numbers, two's complement, the ASCII, unicode, etc.

But before the make a deep description about microcontrollers and talking about programming them, they talk about a "design process" and they use an example to illustrate it, that design process consists of many stages defining every step that you are going to take to acomplish your design. Then they talk about using the top-down design, bottom-up implementation (they make a quick definition, and I already looked it up), they recommend the use of the structure chart to se how the hardware and software will interact and interface with one another. To work out every sub-system (after the top-down, bottom-up technique) they use the UML activity diagram, they also say that before coding any software you should work out every detail at the UML activity diagram. They also say that you should be able to code the algorithm directly from the UML activity diagram.

I've not finished reading all about the example, but I would like to know if it's common to use this techniques to make this type deigns, are they really helpful? or am I wasting my time reading that?
What can you say about that?

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Do not put too much time into the methodologies at this point.

In general you need to understand the hardware to the point that you can write drivers. Most start with blinking an LED and end up in the areas of motor control and graphic LCD displays.

The rest is programming in general. I often suggest people who can not program learn to do so on a PC prior to looking at micro controllers. I prefer to teach C as a first language because it can be used on the PC and the microcontrollers more easily then any other language. It is more standardized.

I applaud you for learning the related math. In general we avoid the use of non integer numbers. A technique know as scaling is used if possible.

Thank you very much for your reply, so you think that those techniques would be important once I learned to progr?
No. First most of these methods are aimed at larger project. Second the "right methodology" for code design seems to change with the wind.

If you want to study code design at this point focus on the concept of writing correct code. Learn about common mistakes and how to avoid them. It is more applicable to embedded systems.

There are a few books on the subject. Perhaps someone can suggest one, if not there is always Google.

Ok. thanks, I'll keep goign with the book and learning about it, thanks for your replies, I will also look for some books as you said.
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