The Dumbest Engineer I ever met!

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Thank you for that, I found it really interesting - it had never occurred to me to try and find out why - nice when there's a sensible reason.
On the topic of spelling:

It turns out that some spellings which we Brits consider to be Americanisms are actually Brittish.

American: , apologize or apologise?

Don't try and change the subject. Back to the spelling!

Funny, I popped in earlier and thought it was a spelling bee or how many languages/dialects you know and bailed out.

It was like the PIC vs. AVR.. ASM/C/BASIC kind of thing. The Humphry read was good though.

OK, so is it shoppes or shops? I figure the USA is lazy and any letter they can cut out is good, saves ink and paper too. And easier to pronounce.

You will never believe the words Webster is allowing now.
Read a few pages of Old English.

Old English makes few few minor spellings we have trivial.

If memory serves; the use of standard spellings is only a few hundred years old.

When I was a kid I had a very difficult time with spelling. I wanted it to be more rational than it is.

If I had my way back then all words would be spelled as they sounded and there would be a one to one mapping between the written and spoken word.

Maybe that is why I went into CS

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Well, at least you can choose between U.S. and U.K. english, and blame each other. There is a version of spanish on each hispanic country, and in some cases it varies even between city and city inside a country!

Here in Bogotá you find the finest quality, triple distilled and triple filtered spanish I hope Hollywood some day finally understand that "la chingada puto cabron!" is not talking spanish

I have heard that japanese people must study for +10 years only to read the newspaper, and more time to write basic things! is that true?

This "globalization" thing is scary
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talking about dumb engineers , i had one internee who was prototyping a circuit for testing , came to me and asked which side of this resistor is positive and which is negitive . What really distrubed me he was a graduate with a degree in avioncs .

No wonder flight safety is an issue on all levels :-(.
Been here long enough not to waste time treading this thread anymore.

But the rest of the site makes up for it!

Nice comment, GonzoEngineer !!!
when we have live examples right across, perhaps past quotes may not be needed at lest from now.
I think some of the stupidest people I've encountered have been on forums.

The free energy freaks for a start, then there's the one on Electronics Lab who makes and drinks colloidal silver.
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