The beginning PIC 16F737

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New Member

I am really new to the world of MCU's. I have just started to work on a project with a 16F737 and are really strugling to get the programming done.

I really know nothing. I don't know assembler but do know C. Can anyone please help me with some guidelines of where to start? Any help will be greatly appreciated!!

You have not made it easy for people to help you.

What exactly is the project you're going to do? Flashing LEDs, I2C communication, PC serial communication, robotics, data logging......

Why have you chosen the 16F737 instead of others?

Do you want to learn assembly language?

Do you have access to a PIC C ompiler? If not, then you should choose certain PICs like the 18F series that have C ompiler support by Microchip via the student edition.
I would suggest you need to learn a certain amount of assembler anyway, or you won't understand how to use a C compiler effectively.

I suggest you check my tutorials, not the same PIC, but it is the same 16F 14 bit core, and required changes should be very slight.
I am doing a project where I have 2 inputs monitored with a interrupt. Depending on wich input gets pulled high I have either a low or high output on another pin. A seperate pin that gets activated on both input pins is the pwm.

The body of the program code is not that big a problem, it is the include files, and setting up the interrupt code. Also can how do I go about getting a bootloader for the chip, is it really necessary?
737 is kind of an odd choice for a first time pic, but it does have some interesting features not found on many other pics. most notebly is using this chips three high-resolution PWM generators in rgb led lighting applications.

as far as i know, there are no serial bootloaders for this chip, as it cannot self-program, that is, it cannot write to its own program memory.
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