Ten days is my record so far.

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Most Helpful Member
Ten days of not posting here and trying to pretend ETO does not exist. Difficult.

My previous record was maybe two Days. Curiosity killed the cat. I just want to say I love you all. Still.

And then of course I will wonder if my new thread actually matters....probably not.

Seeing there are mostly Males here at ETO, I think I should put Rolene back. The beautiful one. That way I should be able to draw attention..not like Arny.

Here goes...
I spelt his name wrong. It is Arnold or Mr Schwarzenegger if you like. Preferably, for me, I would call him Sir.

An interesting 10 days though for me though. I explored a few local Forums right here in South Africa...this one is rated very highly here and rated 3900 best site in the World: https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://mybroadband.co.za

It's like WOW for me. Stuck in the sticks where I am and did not know about that. Crazy hatters there though and all.

I still love my ETO though. I am like that.

I have a different outlook on life stuck where I am. The people on MBB will never visit here where I am. Johannesburg and where I am are at least 1000KM's apart...different worlds. Cape Town too.

Just so hard to explain to anybody never mind people that live right here in SA. in the right places...

So, I see the real stupidity here. The reason why the ANC is still in power is because of the fact that I am still helping the clueless/loyal/ignorant with their ongoing uselessness....

That is why I am so torn up. Goes against every grain in my body. I am stuck here.

Once you give up your soul for trying to fix uselessness....you have a problem of note on your hands.

Hence the "throw the stuff in the sea" chirp. Fulck them.

Funny hey that I am on an International Forum...and feel more comfortable here than with my own"kind"

I don't know what else to say. Seriously.

Hi Joe

I know you are sussing this thread out
You OK ?

I'm ok.

Too bad we didn't start a pool to see how quickly you would return. I think all the hours would have been taken as well as the first three days. You surprised everyone in your self imposed sabbatical.
Why try to stay away at all? You know you're more than welcome here.

Hope you're well!
Why try to stay away at all? You know you're more than welcome here.

Hope you're well!
Maybe he doesn't want to be as sad as us!!!! Being here 24/7 could be considered as a little OTT...
TV, your absence was noticed by me, I thought that you may have "had a bit of a monk on".

Hi Jim

What is "had a bit of a monk on". Please excuse my ignorance

A rather idiomatic expression from the South Yorkshire area of England, where I am originally from.

To "have a monk on" means to be sullen and uncommunicative.

Thanks Jim

Here is really why I am trying to be being scarce:

You see in the old EM privately owned days and all....this was a place where we all gathered around...spoke as much sense as necessary and always had fun.
That bit has not changed. Lots of fun is to be had here still.

My major concern always is the well being and survival of ETO. I know that there are Members here that do not approve of anything "off topic"
They view this place as a Technical forum only. Joking is taboo.

So, in light of this and the fact that ETO is now a business that is expected to return a profit, I am trying to back away.

Mainly because I see myself as offering nothing but entertainment value here...I know CRT. Therefore I don't ask questions

This probably came out all wrong.

My mind sometimes battles with stuff.

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All work and no play makes the electronics chaps dull boys.

Our favourite playground is under new ownership, there has not been a directive from "The Management" that there are to be no deviations from a strict straight laced path of on topic subjects.
So until there is, just keep it clean and not (too) controversial, and I am sure that thisngs will be fine.


To understand the references to "The Management", look here:
I love you more than ever Jim.

And Nigel and Ian and Matt and every other person with a sense of mixing fun with work.
Thing is, people that can do that, know what they are doing

Never desperate for answers. Cause they never ask questions...

Never eager to prove their intelligence...no reason to anyway. They kind of "know stuff".

I wonder if KISS is here now? My pal and one of the people that always takes care of me when I freak out and PM's me.
That's one good friend.

My Birthday Tomorrow. I am 52 then.

Someone bake me a friggin cake. Please.

Love you Guys,
Hiya TV - hippy burpday for tomorrow
Wondered where you had gone - seeing you chip in always brightens my day
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