T89C51AC2 internal adc

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New Member
Has anyone ever used the internal adc of the 8051? I am having trouble in initializing and getting values from the adc. If anyone can post some codes of this implementation if would be of great help.

Hi, I have not used the internal ADC, but I found this code from some internet sources....
see if it could be of any help to you....

#include <T89C51AC2.h> //T89C51AC2 Library

unsigned char PAN_DAT[5];   //Array containing 5 spaces
unsigned int value_converted;
void main(void)
unsigned int value;
ADCF=0x07;     //Set P1.0, P1.1, P1.2 as ADC 
ADCON=0x20; //Enable ADC function
ADCLK=0x00; //Pre-Sacler Time=0us
value = ADC(0xF9,0x01);                        //Initialize ADC for pin 1 of P1 using mask
PAN_DAT[0] = (value/100)|0x30;           //Extract 'units' value and convert to ASCII
PAN_DAT[1] = ('.');                                //Separate 'units' from 'tenths' with '.'
PAN_DAT[2] = ((value%100)/10)|0x30; //Extract 'tenths' value and convert to ASCII
PAN_DAT[3] = (value%10)|0x30;           //Extract 'hundredths' value and convert to ASCII


unsigned char ADC(unsigned char channel,mask)
unsigned int value;                          //Integer space declaration 'value'
ADCON=ADCON&channel;      //select ADC pin using ADC control
ADCON=ADCON|mask;           //Mask for I/O pin
ADCON=ADCON|0x08;           //Start ADC conversion in 8-bit (ADSST=1)
while((ADCON&0x10)!=0x10); //Wait ADEOC=1 bit4
value=ADDH;                             //Save result in 'value'
ADCON=ADCON&0xEF;        //Clear ADEOC (flag=0)
return(value);                                //Return 'value' to main
Now I know that in order to use the 10-bit mode operation an interrupt must be used. Currently I have arrived here in programming:

#include <T89C51AC2.h> //T89C51AC2 Library

unsigned char PAN_DAT[5];    //Array containing 5 spaces
unsigned int value_converted;
bit EOC = 0; //End-of-Conversion Flag
void main(void)
unsigned int value;
ADCF=0x07;      //Set P1.0, P1.1, P1.2 as ADC 
ADCON=0x20;  //Enable ADC function
ADCLK=0x00;  //Pre-Sacler Time=0us
EA = 1;              //Enable Interrupts
EADC = 1;         //Enable ADC Interrupt
value = ADC(0xF9,0x01);                        //Initialize ADC for pin 1 of P1 using mask
PAN_DAT[0] = (value/100)|0x30;           //Extract 'units' value and convert to ASCII
PAN_DAT[1] = ('.');                                //Separate 'units' from 'tenths' with '.'
PAN_DAT[2] = ((value%100)/10)|0x30;  //Extract 'tenths' value and convert to ASCII
PAN_DAT[3] = (value%10)|0x30;           //Extract 'hundredths' value and convert to ASCII
unsigned char ADC(unsigned char channel,mask)
unsigned int value;                    //Integer space declaration 'value'
ADCON=ADCON&channel;  //select ADC pin using ADC control
ADCON=ADCON|mask;        //Mask for I/O pin
ADCON=ADCON|0x48;       //Start ADC conversion in 10-bit (ADSST=1, PSIDLE = 1)
while(!EOC);                            //Wait end-of-conversion
EOC = 0;                                  //Clear software flag
value = value_converted;
return(value);                            //Return 'value' to main
void IT_ADC(void)                              //ADC Interrupt
ADCON=ADCON&0xEF;               //Clear ADEOC (flag=0)
value_converted = ADDH<<2;          //Save first 8-bits in 'value_converted'
value_converted |= (ADDL & 0x03);  //Save last 2-bit in 'value_converted'
EOC = 1;                                            //Set end-of-conversion flag
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