String in pic16f877 and gsm

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New Member
Hi all
can anybody help me with an example on how to find the occurence of a string in another string.whether true or false type.

if i have a message " hello neelam29 do the coding ". is it possibel that the function finds whether 29 is present in this string and returns only TRUE OR FALSE not the number 29.

m using mplab as the compiler and pic16f877 as the controller with visiontek GSM modem.

thanks all
First off, MPLab is not a compiler, it is an Integrated Development Environment, which provides an assembler. YOU must provide the compiler, and you haven't told us which compiler you have added to MPLab. Your problem, however, is with the C language, itself.

You really NEED to read through the book "The C Programming Language." By Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. (I cannot imagine anyone trying to learn this language without consulting this manual!) This is covered under ctype.h. You will find out how to use isdigit() and isalpha():

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