On Friday at work I built and programmed three ESP8266 temperature and Humidity sensors using SHT30's, powered from 18650's and using sleep mode. Every ten minutes they wake up, upload the temperature, humidity, and battery voltage to ThingSpeak, and go back to sleep.
The main reason for doing this, is that we work in a small industrial unit, which consists of a 'workshop' room, and an 'office' room with a door in between that's open during the day, and closed during the night - originally it was one large room, but we got the landlord to partition it when we moved there. In front of the workshop room there's the entry vestibule, which contains a toilet and a small kitchen area, and in front of the office room there's a garage room, complete with roller door.
Anyway, the heating originally consisted of two storage heaters, one in the main room (now in the workshop) and one in the vestibule - the office was unheated, apart from what passed through the open door, and if it was cold we used a fan heater.
The storage heater in the vestibule failed, and the landlord sent a guy out, who ordered a part for it - turned out the part was no longer available, so he arranged for a new heater - which when they came to fit it, was a 3KW convection heater, not a storage one. As we'd already arranged with the landlord, he fitted it in the office room and we placed an oil filled radiator in the vestibule. The convection heater seems quite good, and has a complex time on it, so we've got it set not to come on at weekends, and to come on about half an hour before we arrive, and turn off about when we leave (around 4:00PM). We liked it so much, we bought a smaller one 1.5KW, and installed that in the vestibule, and set the timer the same way as the other one. The garage is completely unheated.
So the reason for the sensors, apart from the 'fun' aspect , was to see what sort of comparative costs and temperatures the different heaters are providing. They have only been running since Friday morning, and here is a graph of the temperatures through that period. I expected the workshop one to increase as it gets the night time boost, but it doesn't seem to be doing so to the extent I would have thought?. Has anyone any thoughts on this?
Be interesting to see the difference Monday morning, when the convection heaters come on?.
One thought I've had, is that the higher temperatures all round on Friday during the day, could be due to the convection heaters, as while the doors between the three rooms are open during the day, the partition wall also doesn't go right to the ceiling, so heat from the office could go over the wall to the workshop, as well as through the door.
The main reason for doing this, is that we work in a small industrial unit, which consists of a 'workshop' room, and an 'office' room with a door in between that's open during the day, and closed during the night - originally it was one large room, but we got the landlord to partition it when we moved there. In front of the workshop room there's the entry vestibule, which contains a toilet and a small kitchen area, and in front of the office room there's a garage room, complete with roller door.
Anyway, the heating originally consisted of two storage heaters, one in the main room (now in the workshop) and one in the vestibule - the office was unheated, apart from what passed through the open door, and if it was cold we used a fan heater.
The storage heater in the vestibule failed, and the landlord sent a guy out, who ordered a part for it - turned out the part was no longer available, so he arranged for a new heater - which when they came to fit it, was a 3KW convection heater, not a storage one. As we'd already arranged with the landlord, he fitted it in the office room and we placed an oil filled radiator in the vestibule. The convection heater seems quite good, and has a complex time on it, so we've got it set not to come on at weekends, and to come on about half an hour before we arrive, and turn off about when we leave (around 4:00PM). We liked it so much, we bought a smaller one 1.5KW, and installed that in the vestibule, and set the timer the same way as the other one. The garage is completely unheated.
So the reason for the sensors, apart from the 'fun' aspect , was to see what sort of comparative costs and temperatures the different heaters are providing. They have only been running since Friday morning, and here is a graph of the temperatures through that period. I expected the workshop one to increase as it gets the night time boost, but it doesn't seem to be doing so to the extent I would have thought?. Has anyone any thoughts on this?
Be interesting to see the difference Monday morning, when the convection heaters come on?.
One thought I've had, is that the higher temperatures all round on Friday during the day, could be due to the convection heaters, as while the doors between the three rooms are open during the day, the partition wall also doesn't go right to the ceiling, so heat from the office could go over the wall to the workshop, as well as through the door.