Spell checker not working

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I down loaded IE spell but nothing happens when I hit the ABC button above the text boxs.
The spell checker on the forums is built into the browser, no add-on is required. IE spell has nothing to do with the forum itself it's third party software.
When I first tried it last night I hit the ABC button and it asked me to down load IE spell witch I did.
IE spell seems to be working by right cliking on a highlighted word.

The spell check button in the reply window is doing nothing for me. Is yours working?
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First tried it? The spell checker has been built into the web site for several years, this may be related to the site 'updates' that ElectroMaster mentioned the other day, there are a LOT of bugs right no apparently.
First tried it? The spell checker has been built into the web site for several years, this may be related to the site 'updates' that ElectroMaster mentioned the other day, there are a LOT of bugs right no apparently.

I didn't even know there was a spell checker built into the site. Where is it? I see no "ABC" button....? Is it only for IE?
Yes there was talk of IE spell and spell checker in the update tonight thread and thats when I tryed it.
It's for every browser as far as I know, it's always been functional for every browser for as long as I can remember. A little red squiggly line shows up under words. You might want to check your profile depending on your account profile, you may have it disabled.

As far as IE itself goes, I stopped using it almost 5 years ago when I switched to Firefox because it was a better browser. I now currently use Chrome, again because it's a better browser.

I heard a great comment on the Tekzilla webcast that said that they were thankful that recent statistics have shown that the number of users that still use IE6 have been reduced to 1% of web traffic..

I was floored by this for one simple reason. IE6 has been obsolete for like 10 years. The only reason Microsoft still releases patches for it is because... People keep using the damn thing!

FireFox and Chrome have currently intelligent release systems in place, Chrome started it. I'm not sure if IE will follow.

Far as I'm concerned I'll never use it again, even the few sites that used to require IE no longer do, soon as I find a way to actually remove it from my OS I will, it's 'sticky' though.
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Ah, that's what you're talking about. I thought you meant something like what Microsoft Word does--you hit a button and it brings up any possible misspelled words. I have the red squiggly line Thanks!
I am concerned for users that are having the IE issues, simply because it shows they're using a badly outdated version.
I will be trying google chrome for a few days since you seem to think it works.

I am running IE8 and it is pretty much useless here now.
I will be trying google chrome for a few days since you seem to think it works.

I am running IE8 and it is pretty much useless here now.

hi tcm,
Have you tried Mozilla Firefox, its got lots of features/add ons etc, including a US spell checker.

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So is there a secret to making these browser changes?

I just downloaded chrome and nothing happened that I can see. Same stuff still does not work here.

Smiley faces work now but freeze up the editor when I add them, Tool bar buttons still dead and IE spell accessed through right clicking the mouse scrambles evmisspelledlled(every misspelled) word.
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On to firefox now. Where are my favorites lists and what not with this one? I cant find a dam thing with this one either now.
I am using IE8 on XP and have never seen the forum spell checker work.
You might want to check your profile depending on your account profile, you may have it disabled.
I dont see a setting for spelling, unless I am missing something.
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I just tried the spell checker and also couldn't get it to work so I'll look into it.

Note, the iespell (spell checker button) is only available from IE browsers. All others have them already built into the browser.
Note, the iespell (spell checker button) is only available from IE browsers. All others have them already built into the browser.
Is that why it asked me to down load it?
yes, its actually an add-on for IE and because of this I may remove the button on the editor - it seems to confuse people..
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