solar powered automatic darkening welding helmet repair

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The helmet will momentary darken when first tuned on than no response. In he past, after prolonged storage in the cabinet, it had to exposed to the arc or left in bright light to start working normally. The helmet has a series of solar cells in front to charge from the arc, two light sensors and circuit board.. Also contains two cr2335 batteries. From what I can learn, these batteries are not considered rechargeable. So want is going on? Do the solar cell just extend the battery life?
Your batteries are dead. Replace them. A pair is less than $5. Your pair of eyes? What brand helmet?

If the CR2335 batteries soldered to the board then they may be rechargeable and won`t mind a charge with external charger (mind the amperage, very low current!) Eventually you`ll have to replace them, Li-Ion chemistry doesn't do good if batteries are stored discharged for a long period of time.

If the batteries have some place to slide into, then they are disposable (although the CR2335 are quite uncommon).
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