Should there be a PIC specific microcontroller forum?

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For that matter, maybe there should be one for the Basic Stamp (or Parallax?) series as well? I just see several posts asking about how to use a PIC in various situations; I can't give them much help (I play with AVR/Arduino), so it would be nice if I could point them to a forum where their question may be better answered (or ideally, they would find the forum first).

Just a thought...

The main MicroController forum is mainly PIC, the less popular ones (like AVR/8051) were moved off to sub-forums.
The main MicroController forum is mainly PIC, the less popular ones (like AVR/8051) were moved off to sub-forums.

Hmm - well, that may be clear to long-time users of the forum. However, to new users, it isn't clear at all that there is such a distinction; my best guess (prior to what you told me) would've been the main forum was for general microcontroller discussion (including PIC), while the sub-forums were, of course, for their respective families. I was left scratching my head as to why there wasn't a PIC forum, although I figured the main forum was where it was discussed. Other users may or may not come to the same conclusion, though. Perhaps there needs to be a FAQ to explain these things better to new users (is there one, and so far I have missed it?)...

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