Serial output from OSC2 pin?

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New Member
I am using 16F88, due to all the ports B has been use for parallel communication with LCD, I try to use this pin as serial output (Only transmission needed). Can I have basic assembly code for this so that I can further modify it?
I will appreciate for your help. Thanks
Most LCD's can be run in 4 bit mode, which would free up some of your used I/O lines, modifying the code for 4 bit vs 8 bit mode is not complex.
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Most LCD's can be run in 4 bit mode, which would free up some of your used I/O lines, modifying the code for 4 bit vs 8 bit mode is not complex.

I am using 4 bit modes LCD, 2 for RS and E, then 4 for the data buses....
which one is faster?
using OSC2 as serial out or change the assembly code? (For assembly code dumb like me)
The 16F88 has a hardware serial port on RB2 & RB5. RA2 can be internally tied to GND so that's a free I/O pin, same with RA6 (no need to tie it to GND) Moving S1 to port B allows use of the internal pullup and may also allow for interrupt on change (PORTB4..7)
Don't tie MCLR to GND but instead a 10K resistor to VDD (else this can cause problems if you enable MCLR & INTOSC for some programmers)
You could also use a spare I/O for R/W on the LCD (this will allow you to test the busy flag and run the LCD as fast as it can go)

Sorry, actually I am trying to built this project from other author.
Well, if RA2 is used as IO, i will planning to use it as serial out. However software UART is needed instead of the hardware which may be unreliable.
The MCLR has been turned OFF by the author:
	ifdef	__16F88
How can i have serial output? The easiest way perhaps?
As you're using the internal oscillator, you can happily use OSC2 as a serial output, check my tutorials for tried and tested software serial routines.
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