New Member
I am modifying a **broken link removed** but need use of the PMP so I'm having to do a bit of rewiring, mainly moving the UART pins from RP8 & 9 but this is where I'm running into problems.
I can get the PIC to transmit to the PC but the PIC won't respond to anything from the PC. I am using the sample code which is a serial repeater, thing works fine but when I switch to RP2 & 3 it doesn't reply.
Original code
Modified code
This is the first time using the 24F series and the microchip compiler so I might be making an obvious mistake but I can't see anything.
I am modifying a **broken link removed** but need use of the PMP so I'm having to do a bit of rewiring, mainly moving the UART pins from RP8 & 9 but this is where I'm running into problems.
I can get the PIC to transmit to the PC but the PIC won't respond to anything from the PC. I am using the sample code which is a serial repeater, thing works fine but when I switch to RP2 & 3 it doesn't reply.
Original code
RPINR18bits.U1RXR = 9; // Make Pin RP9 U1RX
RPOR4bits.RP8R = 3; // Make Pin RP8 U1TX
PADCFG1 = 0xFF; // Make analog pins digital
LATB = 0x0;
TRISB = 0x0FFF; // Configure LED pins as output
TMR1 = 0; // Clear timer 1
PR1 = 0x3D09; // Interrupt every 250ms
IFS0bits.T1IF = 0; // Clear interrupt flag
IEC0bits.T1IE = 1; // Set interrupt enable bit
T1CON = 0x8030; // Fosc/4, 1:256 prescale, start TMR1
TRISB = 0x0300;
U1MODE = 0x8000; // Reset UART to 8-n-1, alt pins, and enable
U1STA = 0x0440; // Reset status register and enable TX & RX
_U1RXIF=0; // Clear UART RX Interrupt Flag
Modified code
RPINR18bits.U1RXR = 3; // Make Pin RP3 U1RX
RPOR1bits.RP2R = 3; // Make Pin RP2 U1TX
PADCFG1 = 0xFF; // Make analog pins digital
LATB = 0x0;
TRISB = 0x0FFF; // Configure LED pins as output
TMR1 = 0; // Clear timer 1
PR1 = 0x3D09; // Interrupt every 250ms
IFS0bits.T1IF = 0; // Clear interrupt flag
IEC0bits.T1IE = 1; // Set interrupt enable bit
T1CON = 0x8030; // Fosc/4, 1:256 prescale, start TMR1
TRISB = 0x000C;
U1MODE = 0x8000; // Reset UART to 8-n-1, alt pins, and enable
U1STA = 0x0440; // Reset status register and enable TX & RX
_U1RXIF=0; // Clear UART RX Interrupt Flag
This is the first time using the 24F series and the microchip compiler so I might be making an obvious mistake but I can't see anything.