Serial Lcd code Porting?

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New Member
I need to use a 16f676 instead of a 16f630. The 676 has "AD" and the 630 dose not! So I need to turn of the AD converter (Ansel = 0 in basic) .
The code is in "asm". I'm Brain Dead when it comes to "ASM" programming!
Here is a link to the code that I wish to Port.
Can I just remove the comments in the " boot_up " routine?
( ; //ANSEL = 0b.0000.0000; //Disable ADC on all pins - Only on the 16F676 )

Thanks for looking!
Note: The ANSEL (9Fh) and CMCON (19h)
registers must be initialized to configure an
analog channel as a digital input. Pins
configured as analog inputs will read ‘0’.
The ANSEL register is defined for the
bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
clrf PORTA ;Init PORTA
movlw 05h ;Set RA<2:0> to
movwf CMCON ;digital I/O
bsf STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 1
clrf ANSEL ;digital I/O
movlw 0Ch ;Set RA<3:2> as inputs
movwf TRISA ;and set RA<5:4,1:0>
;as outputs
bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0

Just put this code in the firs line of boot_up.
Check and adjust you in and out need's.
Read datasheet from page 1-132, or at least page 21.

Have fun.
Thanks casab911.
I have read the "data sheet" over and over!!!
IF I paste your code to the asm file , I see a duplicate " movwf CMCON " .
Should I remove part of the "boot_up" routine and paste your code there?
Also Do I need to include the "ANSEL" address to the top of the code?

if yuo look at the code posted at sparkfun...., you will see there is already a code to make the pins digital .
    ;    //Setup Ports
            ;    //ANSEL = 0b.0000.0000; //Disable ADC on all pins - Only on the 16F676
            ;    CMCON = 0b.0000.0111; //Turn off comparator on RA port 
    MOVLW .7
It should work like that !
The 05 hex in Microchips example if equall of decimal 7 in spakfun's code.

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