Serial EEPROM programmer

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A USB port one is most likely to require a processor on board, which does the USB interface and the actual programming. As such it's going to be considerably more expensive. You might try looking at PonyProg at , which has serial hardware, it 'might' work with a USB/serial converter.

Hi Nigel, what if I don't really need the programming ability of the serial EEPROM programmer,
and just want to get data off of some serial EEPROMs?

I basically need to build a simple logger circuit and then I need to get the data out.

Thank you!
completenoob said:
Hi Nigel, what if I don't really need the programming ability of the serial EEPROM programmer,
and just want to get data off of some serial EEPROMs?

I basically need to build a simple logger circuit and then I need to get the data out.

A datalogger would normally use a processor (like a PIC?), certainly if you are writing to serial EEPROM it's almost certain to. So you simply write routines in the software to dump the data from the EEPROM out to RS232.
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