schematic to pcb

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What are you confused about? I get an error that the board and schematic are not consistent.

Have you done an Eagle tutorial? Is this your very first use of Eagle? Roughly 32 minutes between posting your schematic and board. That is not very long to learn Eagle as a new program.

Some suggestions that may or may not apply to your situation:

1) Always say what version of Eagle you are using. The difference between 5.xx and 6.xx is significant.
2) When working on a simple schematic or board, as in this case, never change the grid size. Most parts work well with 0.1" and 0.05" (alternate) grid.
3) Never break the link between the board and schematic. Make the schematic first, then have Eagle "create" the board from it.
3) When routing on the schematic, use the "net" tool, not the "wire" tool. Be sure the schematic passes ERC before proceeding to the board.
4) Good parts placement is the most important step for getting a good board. In your example, you have a double-sided board, with jumpers and still some airwires. I suspect that moving parts around would avoid needing a double-sided board. Your circuit could probably be done on a single-sided board with just a few jumpers, if any.
5) I do not use the Eagle autorouter, except to get fresh ideas for parts placement. Even if you choose to use it, don't be reluctant to rip-up and manually redo some traces.
6) Unless you are sending to a board shop or have experience etching PCBs, I would suggest staying with a one-sided board.



1) I was looking to clean up the schematic and noticed that you are using through-hole and SMD's. What is your purpose for doing that?
2) The wiper on R1 is not connected to anything. Thus, it will act as a fixed resistor. There may be other errors too.
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