RTOS for PICmicros

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I am really interested in writing or just using a freely available RTOS for PICmicros but not in C (a know almost nothing about C). I work always in assembler.

Other than what is wirten in AN585 from Microchip I couldn't find anything complete making sense.

Could anyone point in the right direction?


Agustín Tomás
What are you trying to do? Interrupts or just taking turns running tasks in the assembly/C code does the job. RTOS cannot make multiple programs execute at once, it can only switch between them. This looks pointless to me, the code can already do this itself and make far better use of the resources in the process. At least that's how I see it.

I agree, I read AN585 years ago, and could never see the point in it?. It just seems a way to waste a large part of the available resources in the fairly small amount of memory available.
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