RTC Year not working correctly

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New Member
Im having difficulty getting a Chronodot to properly set/read the year. Im using a Arduino Uno + Micro along with a Arduino Chronodot + Sparkfun DS1307, either combination gives me the same problem. Everything in the time/date stamp seems to work correctly (seconds, minutes, etc.) but the year comes back as a seemingly random number. Although it seems to return 62 alot. Clearly its not 1962 or 2062. Unfortunately for my project i need the year to be correct so i can get a correct weekday from the arduino. I've posted all of the code below as i wasnt sure which sections would be relevant.

Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions.

/*Sets RTC to time given through serial monitor
Derek Chapman 6-21-14

#include <DS1307RTC.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <Wire.h>

int incoming = 99;
int RTCaddress = 0x68;

void setup()

void loop()

  while(Serial.available() < 1) ;// wait for Arduino Serial Monitor
  incoming = Serial.parseInt();

  if(incoming == 1)
  else if(incoming == 2)
      for(int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
        {getRTCtime(); delay(1000);}
  else if(incoming == 3)

void printmenu()
  Serial.println("\n---What would you like to do?");
  Serial.println("1.  Update time on RTC");
  Serial.println("2.  Check time on RTC");
  Serial.println("3.  Check date on RTC");

void setRTCfromSerial()  //gets time data from serial input then sets the RTC
  Wire.write(0);  //start at address # 0, seconds

  tmElements_t tm;
  Serial.println("\n---RTC Time Set---");

  Serial.print("Enter military hours:  ");
  while(Serial.available() < 1) ;// wait for Arduino Serial Monitor
  tm.Hour = Serial.parseInt();

  Serial.print("Enter minutes:  ");
  while(Serial.available() < 1);
  tm.Minute = Serial.parseInt();

  Serial.print("Enter seconds:  ");
  while(Serial.available() < 1);
  tm.Second = Serial.parseInt();

  Serial.print("Enter month:  ");
  while(Serial.available() < 1);
  tm.Month = Serial.parseInt();

  Serial.print("Enter date:  ");
  while(Serial.available() < 1);
  tm.Day = Serial.parseInt();

  Serial.print("Enter two digit year:  ");
  while(Serial.available() < 1);
  tm.Year = Serial.parseInt();

  Serial.print("Fire it up?");
  while(Serial.available() < 1);

    {Serial.println("The following time was successfully written to the RTC.");}
    {Serial.println("Robot Error!  Setting the RTC time failed.");}


void getRTCtime()
  tmElements_t temptm;

    {Serial.println("\nRobot error!  Reading RTC failed!");}


void sendTimetoSerial(tmElements_t tmi)  //takes a given time and prints to serial monitor
  Serial.print("Current time according to sent time is: ");
  Serial.print(tmi.Hour, DEC);  Serial.print(":");

  if(tmi.Minute < 10)
  Serial.print(tmi.Minute, DEC); Serial.print(":");

  if(tmi.Second < 10)
  Serial.println(tmi.Second, DEC);


void getRTCdate()
  tmElements_t temptm;

      Serial.println("Current time according to RTC is: ");
      Serial.print(temptm.Month, DEC); Serial.print("/");
      Serial.print(temptm.Day, DEC); Serial.print("/");
      Serial.println(temptm.Year, DEC);
    {Serial.println("\nRobot error!  Reading RTC failed!");}

void sendDatetoSerial(tmElements_t tmi)
  Serial.print("Current date according to sent time is: ");
  Serial.print(tmi.Month, DEC);  Serial.print("/");  Serial.print(tmi.Day, DEC); Serial.print("/"); Serial.println(tmi.Year, DEC);
**Note** Please use code tags...
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Serial.println("Current time according to RTC is: ");
Serial.print(temptm.Month, DEC); Serial.print("/");
Serial.print(temptm.Day, DEC); Serial.print("/");
Serial.println(temptm.Year, DEC);

I dont know...but for YEAR you have Serial.printin and for the other 2 you just have Serial.print
Thanks guys. I figured it out this afternoon after much gnashing of teeth. In case anyone else runs into a similar problem:

The problem turned out to be a code issue. The arduino seems to use variable time_t to store/read/send the time. I was using the type t_elements. It is a much easier way to send/store/read the time. Unfortunately they store everything the same except the year. t_elements stores it as the number of years since 1970 wheres as time_t stores it as a two digit year with the 20 assumed. Small but crucial difference.

Thanks for the thoughts though, much appreciated.
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