robotic arm

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i wantto design a robotic arm which able to take some weight and work closer with hand finger i saw that robotic arm now able to handle Egg accuratley like human fing .intially i need it's basic circuit diagram in my project i use wireless system to communicate with arm and more changes i will do i was search on many sites but no result how can i get robotic arm circuitry ?

Your main problems are mechanical rather than electronic, once you have accurate mechanical movements, along with pressure feedback sensors, you can then use a micro-controller to link them all together.
but the problem still how can i get it;s inside circutiry can any one post it's schematic?
hiyan said:
but the problem still how can i get it;s inside circutiry can any one post it's schematic?

It depends completely on the mechanics and sensors you use.
how can i get it's over all complet solution i want the complet detail of it's Electronic as well Mechanical part it's circuitry.
so let me get this straight. you want us to give you detailed plans for both mechanical and electical part of this project? for free? maybe you want us to bouild it and mail it to you also! :evil:

you find the plans (or even better make ones yourself). add sensors, electrical. asc specciffic questions, like "why is this not working, when this and this is like this?".
we can help him but it aint helping, if we give him all the plans etc. iw he needs help on a speciffic part of that arm we are all here to help him in both mechanical and electrical part of it.
is it possible that we interface robotic arm through computer is not possible that i use wireless and blue tooth technology in interfacing?

everything is possible. wireless link is the easyest. bluetooth is hard to control with pic/avr though.
hiyan search something yourself. google is full of answers in most languages. just type RF communication in the search bar and there you go...

crowinu: Yes there are some redy built models avalible, but those aint so suffisticated (complex) as the ones you build yourself. the cheaper ones have mostly 3 links and a LEGOmans hand style hand...

any links, my aim is not complexity but strength
i want to know about basic information of robotic arm controlling through wireless any source ?
argh... try to find something yourself man!

you need to study how wireless data transfer works in the first place. and you need to build/buy that arm of yours and then you start to control it via whatever you are going to use... and give us more speciffic questions on how do i do this or what am i doing wrong when doing this etc...
Robot arm...

Hi, this kind of dumb thread... Anyway, before you get into wireless communication, you have to do a lot of planning, thinking and research for the mechanical portion of your project.
First, the hand... What are you going to manipulate with it? How will it grasp, bend, or turn, range of motion. strength and precision? Tactile sensors or simple limit switches?

Second, the arm... Obviously, the more complex the hand, the more it will weigh. You will need to design this to handle the weight, plus whatever kind of work you plan for this project. Also, how many axis of movement, range of motion...

Third, what do you plan to use move these parts? Motors, gears, chains belts cables, solenoids, air cylinders. Motors... servos and steppers need even more electronics to control...

Fourth, feedback... you need to know the position of all elements. Simple limit switches can it from damaging itself without interaction, but you will need to keep track of the exact position of each axis. Since rotational motion is going to be a huge part, how do measure this?

This has gotten very long, just gettin to the electronics to deal with the mechanical elements... Your wireless question... is well, a year or two premature.

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