Robot Navigation

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Hi guys, i am interested in building a small wheel driven robot that can navigate around the house. I am not interested in a wire following robot because i want to be able to change the route without having to re-lay wires etc. and i want to know where it is at all times. Does anyone know how to build a beacon (or similar) navigation system. Thanks.
:idea: i too am building a similar one yet howshall i make it crawl over wall i am greatly confused can anyone post me any idea
You may search for "Where am I? Sensors and Methods for Mobile robot positioning". It's a technical report of J. Borenstein group. He tell much clearly about almost type of navigations. Goodluck.
:? thanks for the guidance it furnishes mechanisms involved in robotics clearly ,yet it was not i'm searching for . i need ideas for the vertical movement of the robot which is of 15*15 in size (the anti gravity movement ) creeping over a wall ,the sensors & all other controllers increase the weight of the system impeding its vertical movement :roll: :!: you want it to float? Like flying ?

I see it hard but you could try with couple of *very* strong fans pointing downwards but I am afraid you would have some heavy batteries to lift as well to generate enough thrust.

Or what did you mean?
If you meant vertical is along the wall, it's no problem. But if you meant your robot will climb up the wall, it's quite difficult, but not really impossible.

Your wall should be glass. If it's as rough as normal wall, it's quite difficult to climb up.

but if it's glass, there are many projects on it.

You should build your robot as a cross. There should be 2 "feet" on each segment.


O is your feet

As this design, your robot may climb up, move to left or right "ON" the wall.

You should use a hydraulic system on your robot. To move up or down on the wall, firstly, 2 middle feet are powered, and 2 side feet are free. You may use a DC motor to move the 2 side feet up. After that, make them powered. Free the 2 middle feet, than move up. Continue this loop, to move your robot up and down. It's similar to moving left or right.
I have seen people use a "vaccum" system to be able to climb walls and stuff. It is hard though because you need powerful motors, which means bigger batteries, which means heavyer 'bot.

Dead Reckoning is a way to find your way, but that will only tell you were you are with respect to a fix point, so you can back track your movements.

Nope, the fact that I've seen that such kind of climbing robot which use a very small motors, and as I know, a small battery is enough. The robot is only about 40cm x 40cm. And it worked good. A vacuum bottle is fixed onto the robot. The total weight of the robot is not too high to make troubles the vacuum system. And we need only two 6V motors with gearbox to move the robot. The heaviest component is the vacuum supply (the bottle).

Once, I saw another tiny climbing robot, it's only 1dm x 1dm and work with the same principle. If you want, you may try on it. I'm now working on the other direction of mobile robot, so that I cannot try this. If someone do this project, pls tell meeh more.
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